5 methods to ease ache utilizing the mind-body connection – . Well being Weblog

I broke my elbow a few weeks ago. There was no broken bone – just a bad bruise after slipping in the kitchen and landing on my arm – but sometimes the pain was unbearable. So I followed the doctor's instructions: babysitting my elbow, freezing it, and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever on occasion. (PS: I now wear sneakers in the kitchen.)

Something else also helped: mind-body therapies. These approaches aim to change our pain awareness and retrain the way we react to it. The therapies can help us to control pain – such as long-lasting back pain – or to better live with it. While these techniques do not eliminate the pain, they can help alter the perception of pain intensity through the distraction, relaxation, and reshaping of our thoughts.

Five mind-body therapies for pain relief

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This talk therapy teaches people to redirect their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to chronic pain. For example, if a pain flares up instead of supporting yourself and thinking, "Oh no, here it comes again," tell yourself that you've already done so and instead focus on your favorite place in the world: pose it in your head and feel how happy or relaxed you are when you are there. A therapist trained in CBT can train you to improve your skills.

Deep breathing. We usually take short breaths without noticing our breathing, especially when we are in pain. Focusing on breathing and taking deep breaths will calm the mind and trigger the relaxation response, a well-studied physiological response that counteracts the stress response and can reduce the severity of chronic pain. Practice deep breathing:

  • Inhale slowly through your nose, raising your chest and lower abdomen as you fill your lungs completely.
  • Now breathe out slowly through your mouth or nose.
  • Practice deep breathing for a few minutes.

Meditation. Like deep breathing, meditation triggers the relaxation response and can reduce the perception of pain. You can use many methods to meditate, such as: B. Transcendental meditation (repeating a word, phrase, or sound to calm your mind). Yoga (a series of strengthening and stretching postures combined with breathing techniques); or mindfulness meditation (objectively focusing on negative thoughts as they move through your mind so you can reach a state of calm).

An easy way to meditate:

  • Sit quietly, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing.
  • With each exhale, say a word like "peace" or "one".
  • Don't worry about thoughts that come into your mind. You can come back to this later. Keep repeating your word and focus on your breathing.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This approach combines mindfulness meditation and yoga to increase awareness and acceptance of moment-to-moment experiences, including pain. A 2019 study published in the journal Evidence-Based Mental Health found that MBSR was just as effective as CBT for reducing pain and depression, and improving physical functioning, compared to usual care or no care . You can find MBSR programs in hospitals, universities, and meditation centers, as well as online videos.

Relaxation. Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation can also help reduce the perception of pain. To try progressive muscle relaxation, start with your facial muscles and work your way down your body. Tighten each muscle or group of muscles for 20 seconds before slowly releasing the contraction. While relaxing the muscle, focus on the relaxation and feeling of relaxation.

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