A Journey to Easy Relaxation & Recharge

As an energy healer and wellness advocate, I get so involved with others' causes that I can burn out. I know I am not alone in this. It is a topic that I see again and again in my practice from other healers, teachers, carers, parents or empaths. We tend to put so much of ourselves into our calling and responsibility that there is little or no time for us by the time all of our commitments are fulfilled there. Especially where we have relatives who rely on us constantly, or a stressful, demanding job that takes up so much space.

The more wired we become to serve others, the more self-care seems to be removed from our priorities.

Sometimes the thought of trying hard can even make us feel unproductive! How many of us are guilty of avoiding targeted self-care simply because we are too tired or don't believe we have the time? And how many of us wish we could meditate more, lean more into our yoga practice, or just be.

We might also wonder if there is anything preventing us from practicing self-care. Whether there is an unconscious reason for us not to do this, and if so, what they could be and what they could gain.

It's not easy to sit with yourself when you've avoided just that. Perhaps there is unaddressed emotional pain or deep, unhealed wounds, which, even on a subconscious level, can mean your existence is focused on avoidance. The time to do nothing invites introspection. There are an amazing number of placeholders that make self-healing easier both face to face and from a distance. Go with your gut and seek help that feels right.

Self-care doesn't have to be that colossal effort that takes hours that we don't have. We can find moments of much-needed rest and recharge through simple mindful actions.

Here are some that have helped me a lot. They only last a few minutes, but offer me precious moments of calm that are so urgently needed in the madness of everyday life.

  • Sip a morning brew in silence before someone else gets up.
  • Going barefoot or "grounding" even when I go from A to B.
  • Take 3 deep, purposeful breaths whenever you feel dizzy or overwhelmed before activity. This is a meditation in itself.
  • Consciously eat nutritious meals and snacks – not just children's leftovers or food hastily pulled from the closet.
  • Lose yourself and just take a deep breath of one of your favorite songs.
  • Five minutes of silence or listening to the wind in the trees. No words. Do not speak. Just listen.
  • An invigorating walk in the wind and rain. There is nothing like the elements that bring you back inside and blow away stagnant energies. A therapeutic walk in nature resets a busy mind.

Doing nothing – that is not unproductive, it is crucial for our well-being. It gives our minds a chance to catch up, process thoughts, and regulate them. It's a sigh of the soul.

  • A look into nature, for example out of the window – this gives our eyes a break and a calming picture to recharge our mind. Did you know that our eyes can display more shades of green than any other color?
  • Dressing for Rest – Restrictive clothing can put strain on our joints as we storm around or just sit in an office chair. This can make us physically tired and irritable. Give your body a break and make sure what you wear is friendly and unrestrained.
  • Distance Reiki – Distant healing of energy was vital during the events of this year.

Who doesn't want divine waves of bliss to wash over them from the comfort of their own home? Even if you think you don't have time, an energy healer can make sure that treatment is given while you sleep. Time and distance are worldly illusions when thinking in terms of energy. Receiving Reiki this way allows you to heal in privacy when you need to and wake up rested, replenished, and energetic the next morning.

Ideally, if we are really burning out, we should take as much time as we need to fix, but that's not always possible. Weaving one or some of these simple acts into our day can offer us an inner place of comfort. They are small but valuable tools for emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing that can easily become second nature.

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Alex de Angelis is a London-based holistic practitioner and wellness witch offering Reiki, EFT tapping, sound therapy, divination and guided therapeutic walks in the urban wilderness. Energy healing, mindful living, and the principles of shadow integration are at the center of her work when responding to a collective demand for wholeness and reconnection. It provides space for individuals and groups and shares tools of empowerment, self-healing, self-integration and spiritual development. Follow her on Instagram and her website.

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