Ardour By no means Leaves Us – So The place Does It Go?

Our true north – the sonar that calls to our deeper impulses – is an orientation towards freedom. An expression of passion. It's in our power – agile, compassionate, quick-witted; able to convert incoming "data" into targeted actions. It's about clarity, presence and enjoying an uplifted mind. It's not about what we don't do.

Passion can only be expressed … when it is expressed. A simple observation, perhaps; although not without challenges. Because most of us – at some point – notice what we are not doing instead of what we are. And our soul doesn't like to spend time dragging into the lower vibrational groove of what we consciously, if quietly, know is of little value.

Passion, like all energies, will flow to what attracts it. So if we are not ready to be our passion, it will find its direction to others who, in perhaps subtle or invisible ways, are what we discreetly or desperately want within us. Like attracts like, our denied passion gains strength through the experience of others and thus takes our focus – bypassing our core presence. To numb our underlying disease, we can resist even further: caught in a cycle of distraction or discharge of our innate life force – instead of expressing it through our voice, our movements, our being. And so we let it remain hidden – outside of us. Cut.

However, the passion is persistent. And for that we have to be grateful; despite the discomfort it can cause. "It" knows its true north: that we are the only true and valid expression of its being; the house through which it must flow … the reason for its presence in its unique shape. What we do not allow through us cannot be. Our passion knows this, and so it knocks softly on the door of our soul. Our job is to let it in.

There are some key parts to getting our passion flowing. Awareness that invites you to more harmony and can change our self-awareness – especially in times of change or challenge. Ask your passion which of the following "it" resonates with and allow the connection. You will be surprised what you want to go through.

  • Think of your passion as an energy that is always there: it always was and always will be. Connect with it as an embodied feeling, not as a result. If you are not ready to let your passion in, honor it. See it, recognize it … and go at your – and his – slowest pace. There's a lot to be gained when you can align yourself more easily.
  • Notice that you have a volume button. Become agile with it. You can decrease your passion energy and you can increase it. You can expand it in multiple ways or keep it as a quiet hum. This is your power to use as it feels best to you.
  • Protection is key. Energy management, established presence and simplicity help to integrate the energy of passion into the psyche and the physical, mental and emotional body. Protection does not consist in keeping the world outside, but in letting our energies be – and expressing them. When we are grounded and energetically whole, we align ourselves with our true vibration; We love unconditionally … and this love drives the energy of passion.
  • See your passion as neutral, able to express itself in many forms. Involve others. Avoid the temptation to box or label. Feel it. As we expand its presence in one area of ​​our life, it has the opportunity to merge into other areas – to make new connections. Let yourself be guided – it is avoidance that creates disharmony.
  • Trust your passion. Your intention is calming, balancing, and healthy. True passion is never driven by fear or denial. It is based on freedom and what works for you. and when it is in tune with the soul, it encourages and supports our sense of belonging. Discover his gentleness and listen to his persistent and ever-increasing desires for you.
  • As we develop a simple relationship with it, we see our creativity emerge in new and perhaps surprising ways – regardless of our age or perceived circumstances. It can thrive in chaos as well as in moments of calm. In solitude or with others. From pain or from pleasure – it's always there.

When we let our passion flow, we align ourselves with the forces of the universe – the vastness and the minute, the possible … and the here and now. We become our true vibration.

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Delilah Sullivan – spiritual teacher, writer and energy healer – is passionate about life, connection and beauty. Delilah has a diverse background and shares jewels of knowledge: about personal energy management, creativity, maintaining a sound presence, life experiences and our connection with one another, nature and the emerging “overall picture”.

As a channeler of the popular “Downloads from Spirit” podcast and private consultant, she supports her clients in coordinating their projects, land and energy plans, opportunities and wishes and exchanging unique insights and knowledge. Find them in nature or in the city – for fascinating perspectives and conversations. Follow her on Instagram and her website.

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