Can a Cuddle be Better for Our Sleep?

Some of us can’t get enough cuddling time, while others require their privacy. Regardless of which of the two camps you belong to, one thing is certain: we all desire the finest night’s sleep possible.

Is it true that cuddling helps you sleep better?

We’re going to delve right into that topic to see if some quality time together can truly transport us to another universe.

1. The Sleep Cycle

What does our body require in order to sleep?

Darkness, peace, and a fantastic pillow?

Yes to all of them, yet our bodies require the ability to carry out their normal processes above all else.

Sleep starts at the molecular level, with neurotransmitters signaling the brain that it’s time for the body to sleep.

The brain cycles through four stages of sleep, and interrupting even one of these can leave you exhausted the next day.

2. REM Sleep Stage

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is the fourth and final stage of sleep, during which dreams occur and our bodies are in their most restful state.

During this stage, muscle paralysis, temperature abnormalities, and even heart rate changes can all occur.

Despite the fact that the body is working hard, we are obtaining the best rest possible at this time. Every time the body falls asleep, it strives to enter REM sleep.

Unfortunately, if your cuddle partner decides to change positions and wakes you up during this stage, it may disrupt your entire night’s sleep.

3. Cuddling’s Impacts

Cuddling's Impacts

Photo Credit: Pixabay

From playing with your dog to cuddling up with your sweetheart, social bonding releases the important hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel happy.

Finding natural ways to recreate hormones like these can be difficult for persons who suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Cuddling is generally regarded to be a good thing, and the body senses it as such when oxytocin is released. But what effect does it have on sleep?

Is it something you want to pursue or something you want to avoid?

4. The Sleep Effects of Oxytocin

Oxytocin has a positive effect on sleep since it has similar effects on the body when it is awake.

The pleasure of social contact and engagement calms the body, allowing it to obtain a better night’s sleep. Oxytocin is a key component of cuddling, but it also excites and soothes us at the same time.

5. The Opposing Viewpoint

The counterargument, of course, is that some people require their own space to sleep and that cuddling causes worry rather than rest.

This is not difficult to diagnose, and if a person believes they need their space to sleep better, they should sleep with plenty of room.

Even if your brain is releasing oxytocin, which makes you drowsy, these products can soon dissipate when you drift apart from each other and start keeping each other awake.

When it may appear like hugging while falling asleep is always a good thing, this may not be the case for everyone.

Cuddle or Not?

Cuddling appears to help people sleep better, according to scientific evidence.

However, because oxytocin affects people differently, it’s difficult to say whether cuddling will help someone sleep better in a specific circumstance.

The only way to know for sure if cuddling is right for you is to try it out. It could be the worst night’s sleep you’ve ever had, but it could also lead to an amazing new way of sleeping.

About The Author:

Rizwan Malik is an SEO specialist and content writer. He has experience of 3 years in the working field and has a great team to do all the SEO tasks.

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