contraception options On-line Contraceptive and STI Providers Throughout COVID-19: What are the choices?
contraception options On-line Contraceptive and STI Providers Throughout COVID-19: What are the choices?
A new KFF thematic report provides an overview of On-line Contraceptive and STI Providers contraception options Throughout COVID-19 pandemic. This resource also includes an interactive spreadsheet that shows which platforms are available in each state and which private insurance or Medicaid accept.
On-line Contraceptive and STI Providers contraception options Throughout COVID-19: What are the choices?
The majority of traditional family planning clinics are still open for personal attention or are switching to telemedicine services. However, some clinics and providers have fewer working hours and limited personal visits to patients with urgent needs. There are dozen of online contraception and STI management platforms out there offering an alternative to receiving care as clinics face staff shortages and are taking steps to reduce in-person visits and lower the risk of coronavirus transmission.
On-line Contraceptive and STI Providers contraception options Throughout COVID-19: What are the choices?
While they may provide birth control access through a phone app or online platform, there are significant limitations – especially when it comes to affordability and coverage. Many online platforms do not accept insurance or Medicaid, and do not offer sliding fee options for the uninsured. If individuals cannot find a platform that their insurance company or Medicaid will accept, they can expect to pay significantly more for contraceptive services and STI treatments than for clinical-setting treatments, which are typically non-shared.
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