How To Set Weight Loss Objectives

How can I get slim in 15 days?

I want to lose 10 pounds, but how?

Is it possible to lose 25 kg in 3 months?

Tell me some medicine to lose 20 pounds quickly.

And we receive many more similar questions every day. In general, all people who want quick results seem desperate to lose weight. I completely understand what it feels like to be overweight. But we have to understand that no miracle will happen and we will get rid of all weak points and reach our best figure. We have to be patient and set realistic goals!

In general, I have a lot of patience in answering the questions to my readers, but when I got angry with a lady for asking me the first question you read above: "How can I get slim in 15 days?" Did she gain weight in 15 days? She replied that she gained 10 kg in 2 months and that it would be okay if she could lose weight in 2 months. I told her that it is practically impossible to gain so much in such a short period of time unless and until she has some medical problem. I also gained 10kg in 10 months due to an illness, but 2 months is a very short time to gain that much!

When I told her to be patient, she was angry. I understand the urgency to lose weight, but let's be practical, we cannot lose weight without determination and sincere effort. The flab won't go away with a fairy's wand!

If you suddenly gain weight, please read the reasons for that sudden weight gain here and the medical tests to be done here.

Weight loss goals; Tips to remember

Let's see how you use your weight purposefully so that we can achieve it –

Setting Weight Loss Goals "width =" 524 "height =" 442Find out a good reason to lose weight

If you're trying to lose weight just because you want to wear butt shorts or a tight dress, forget about it! That reason is just not good enough. Ask yourself if you just want to be lean or if you want health and fitness. One girl asked me to give her a tablet that could cut her fat. How can you eat a drug without knowing its long-term side effects, just to lose a few pounds?

Where would you start your weight loss journey?

Find out where to start! You can start by cutting out sugar, processed foods, fatty foods, and restaurant foods. Take small steps and write down everything you would do to achieve your goal.

Set a realistic goal

If you want to lose 10 kg in 4 months, it is an ambitious goal. When you are up to it, pat yourself on the back :). In my opinion, 6-8 months is fine to lose 10kg of weight.

Break down your end goal into short term goals

Take the example above. If you want to lose 10kg weight in 4 months, your goal for the first month should be 10/4 = 2.5kg. However, since you would lose faster at the beginning and more slowly towards the end, aim for 3-4 kg and 1 kg per week for the first month.

Short term goals not only give your determination, but also help measure your success!

How do you start

When you've found the answer to that question, you're good to go.

What are the problems you may face?

List all the hurdles you may encounter during your weight loss journey and find the possible solutions to prevent or solve them.

Create a training plan for 15 days

If you don't create a training plan, you will never be serious during exercise.

What will you do if you don't achieve your goal?

Decide on a punishment if you miss your short-term goal. Trust me it will help!

How will you reward yourself when you achieve your goal?

Yeeeeeeeee :), you can enjoy your favorite pastry or chocolate when you reach your goal :)! When you celebrate your success and reward yourself, you can move on.

Do you have any other tips for setting weight loss goals? Share with us!

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