How To Succeed As A Health Entrepreneur, From A Wellness Expert

Once you’ve found your audience–after you’ve answered why you do what you do along with the what, who, and how–you’ll need to figure out where these people spend their time. To build a business, you need to focus on building community with like-minded folks who you help—and who help you build your business.

Find out what platform they frequent, then build content that serves these folks. Maybe your dominant platform is Instagram. In that case, you’ll want to create videos, pictorials, or other supportive content. Or perhaps your followers prefer you to deep-dive into content, so you regularly post articles on Medium. 

Find that dominant platform and make it yours. Show up regularly. Spend time there interacting, really get to know your followers, and post consistently. Before long, you’ll build a community who remains loyal to your brand as it evolves, just as you remain loyal to providing them valuable information.

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