Low Carb Sugar Free Chocolate Recipes

Low carb sugar free chocolate recipes

When I started my weight loss, one of the hardest things I had to do was control my sweet tooth without increasing my carbohydrate count. Since I was on the Atkins diet program and losing a lot in the blink of an eye, I didn't want cravings to hamper my progress. This was the time when I was looking for something chocolatey and sweet with no high levels of carbohydrates and bingo I found a wonderful recipe for chocolate that was sugar free and very low in carbohydrates. I would love to share this recipe with anyone on the weight loss spree and dying to keep that one precious piece of chocolate in their mouth on their tongue. Ummm !!!!

By the way, I told you it took me 15 minutes to get the finished product and of course less than 15 seconds to polish the lot. Before you decide to make it at home, check out the nutritional data on my Low Carb Dark Chocolate. (Always read the labels before choosing a food product, intelligent dietitians always do.) 🙂

Nutritional information for sugar-free low carb chocolate

Each serving – 2 thick pieces

Calories – 69

Carbohydrates – 4 (not bad at all)

OK! no longer talking just reading instructions.

Low carb sugar free chocolate recipes

Sugar Free Low Carbohydrate Chocolate Recipes "width =" 400 "height =" 286 "srcset =" https://www.fitnessvsweightloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/coconut-oil-chocolate.jpg 400w, https: // www.fitnessvsweightloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/coconut-oil-chocolate-300x214.jpg 300w "size =" (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px


  • 5 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. (I like Weikfield)
  • 5 tablespoons (65g by weight) coconut oil – room temperature (Patanjali virgin coconut oil works for me)
  • Stevia or a carbohydrate-free sweetener
  • A few drops of vanilla extract.
  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened coconut flakes optional

Silicone mold for candy or flexible ice cube tray

Preparation: There are two ways to make these chocolates.

1. Microwave version:

  • Mix the cocoa, coconut oil and stevia well in a bowl. It will be a thick paste.

Coconut oil chocolate mix "width =" 550 "height =" 413

  • Stir in vanilla extract. Try the mixture and adjust stevia to taste.
  • Heat the ingredients in the microwave for 5 seconds, stir and microwave for another 5 seconds. Mix well. For best results, the consistency of the chocolate mixture should be very soft, but not runny. If necessary, place in the microwave for another 5 seconds. Put aside.
  • Squeeze a small amount of coconut flakes into each candy pocket of the mold.
  • Spread the chocolate mixture over the coconut flakes.
  • Chill for 30 minutes or until completely solidified.

2. No Cook version

  • Mix the cocoa, coconut oil and stevia well in a bowl. It will be a thick paste.
  • Stir in vanilla extract. Try the mixture and adjust stevia to taste.
  • Mix well. For best results, the consistency of the chocolate mixture should be very soft, but not runny. If necessary, add a little more cocoa. Put aside.
  • Squeeze a small amount of coconut flakes into each candy pocket of the mold.
  • Spoon the chocolate mixture over the coconut flakes / crushed Nuts.
  • Chill for 30 minutes or until completely solidified.
  • Pop the chocolates out of the mold and ENJOY!

Coconut oil chocolate "width =" 400 "height =" 286 "srcset =" https://www.fitnessvsweightloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/coconut-oil-chocolate.jpg 400w, https: // www .fitnessvsweightloss.com / wp-content / uploads / 2014/05 / coconut-oil-chocolate-300x214.jpg 300w "size =" (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px

PS There are so many ways to personalize these chocolates. You can add chopped nuts and dried fruits.

Homemade Coconut Oil Chocolate "width =" 550 "height =" 367 "srcset =" https://www.fitnessvsweightloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Homemade-coconut-oil-Chocolate.jpg 550w, https: //www.fitnessvsweightloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Homemade-coconut-oil-Chocolate-300x200.jpg 300w "size =" (max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px

Make sure to keep these chocolates in a cool place as they are best served cold as coconut oil melts very quickly.

Were These Low Carbohydrate Sugar Free Chocolate Recipes Helpful To You? Let us know if you made these delicious pieces at home.

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