Operating Important Errands shopping tips during covid 19 | cdc covid
Operating Important Errands shopping tips during covid 19 | cdc covid
buy food
Shopping tips
Stay home when you are sick
Order online or use the roadside pickup
- If possible, limit personal visits to the grocery store or other stores that sell household items. In general, the closer you interact with others and the longer that interaction lasts, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spreading.
- Order groceries and other items online for home delivery or roadside pickup (if possible), or check with your local grocery store to see if pre-order or storage options are available.
Operating Important Errands shopping tips during covid 19 | cdc covid
Protect yourself while shopping
- Wear a mask in public places and around people who do not live in your household, especially when socializing is difficult.
- If you need to visit in person, go at times when fewer people are around (e.g. early morning or late evening).
- If you’re at a higher risk of serious illness, find out if the store has special opening hours for people at higher risk. If so, try shopping during these times.
- If you usually bring your own reusable shopping bags, make sure they are cleaned before each use. Some locations have temporarily banned the use of reusable shopping bags during the COVID-19 pandemic. So check your state, local, store, or market guidelines before bringing reusable bags.
- Disinfect the shopping cart and use disinfectant wipes if available.
- Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- When shopping and in queues, stay at least three feet away from others.
- Use marked entry or exit points and follow any signposts or floor markings to keep people at least 3 meters away.
- Whenever possible, touch only products that you want to buy.
- Consider not consuming a sample or buying food or drinks from self-service stations.
- Use contactless payment whenever possible (pay without touching any money, a card or keyboard). If you have to deal with money, a card, or a keyboard, use hand sanitizer right after paying.
Practice hand hygiene
- Before entering and leaving the grocery store or market, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- When you get home, and before you prepare or eat food, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Unpack safely at home
- The risk of infection from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, through food, food packaging or bags is currently considered to be low. However, it is always important to follow good food safety practices.
- When unpacking food, refrigerate or freeze meat, poultry, eggs, seafood and other perishable items within 2 hours of purchase.
- DO NOT use hard surface disinfectants such as bleach or ammonia on food wrapped in cardboard or plastic wrap.
- After unpacking the food, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Regularly clean and disinfect the kitchen counters with a commercially available disinfectantexternal symbol or a DIY disinfectant solution.
Operating Important Errands shopping tips during covid 19 | cdc covid
Shopping at farmers’ markets or open-air markets
When shopping at farmers’ markets or open-air markets, follow the general principles under Grocery shopping, as well as the following:
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