Pitta Dosha Diet Plan ( Symptoms, Treatment, Food List. How to Balance Pitta Dosha ? )

Pitta Dosha Diet Plan (Symptoms, Treatment, Food List. How to Balance Pitta Dosha? This and much more information in this article. Ayurveda is a mysterious box of medical science. It promotes the belief that food should be your medicine and kitchen your first pharmacy Each cell consists of five elements: space or ether (Akasha), air (Vayu), fire (Agni), water (Jala) and earth (Prithivi).

Ayurvedic Dosha

Ayurveda believes that the body has three natural regulating forces. These five elements combine in pairs to form the three forces that regulate the body. Balancing these forces is of the utmost importance for a healthy body. These three forces are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

  • Vata (space and air): Dominant Vata people are usually slim, energetic, and creative. These people have difficulty sleeping, irregular appetites, are prone to digestive problems, and poor blood circulation.
  • Kapha (water and earth): Dominant Kapha people are strong, thick-boned, and caring. You are more prone to weight gain, slow metabolism, sluggishness, oversleeping, breathing problems, and a higher risk of heart disease. Read – How To Balance Kapha Dosha.
  • Pitta (fire and water): Pitta dominant people are muscular, athletic, competitive, and leading. You have a fast metabolism, good blood circulation, healthy skin and hair. But they tend to be always hungry, prone to acne, inflammation, and weight gain.
  • Know your dominant dosha.

Symptoms of Pitta Dosha Imbalance in the Body

  • GI disorder: Upset stomach, heartburn and diarrhea, polyphagia, and excessive thirst.
  • Hyperacidity: There is excessive acid secretion, which leads to excessive hunger and, consequently, weight gain.
  • Emotionally sensitive: This leads to constant headaches and inflammation, intense anger, and an agitated reaction.
  • Metabolic imbalance: Hormonal imbalance, insomnia, yellow smelly urine, acne, skin rashes, more susceptible to infections and liver problems.
  • Body temperature: The body always feels warm and the temperature stays high. Excessive sweating and therefore prone to fever.

Causes of Pitta Dosha

  • Emotional distress or anger or stress.
  • High temperatures, long hours of sunshine.
  • Excessive alcohol and coffee consumption.
  • Eating foods that promote pitta, such as meat, sour, spicy, fried, or processed, and refined foods.
  • Excessive consumption of refined sugar and flour.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Inactivity.

How to Balance Pitta Dosha?

Here are some tips to help balance pitta dosha.

  • Deal with challenges.
  • Meditate every day.
  • Stay relaxed at all times.
  • Getting enough sleep is very important.
  • One has to adapt a healthy lifestyle to promote weight loss.
  • Adequate nutrition.
  • Eat on a regular basis.
  • Check your caloric intake along with the composition.
  • Eat at least three square meals plus a small snack in between.
  • Focus on eating and avoid the phone and television during this time to avoid overeating.
  • Avoid excessively spicy, salty and fatty foods.
  • Detoxify your body regularly with fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink at least 3 liters of water and improve your overall fluid intake.

Pitta Dosha Diet (Pitta Dosha Food List)

Foods that help the body cool down are included here. Emphasize more foods that are bitter, sweet, and tart in taste to balance your pitta. Here is a food list for pitta dosha.

Foods to balance Pitta Dosha:

Opt for whole grain products, whole grain flours, barley, oats, basmati rice, broken wheat and quinoa. Be sure to consume low GI cereals that not only control acid secretion but also help you lose weight.

Add dals, lentils, sprouts, as well as legumes. Avoid creamy and highly flavored legumes as they can make pitta worse and also lead to weight gain.

The intake of fiber ensures a healthy intestine and a correct acid balance. It helps you lose weight by helping you avoid overeating. Include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Opt for sweet bitter vegetables such as pumpkin, asparagus, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, green beans, lettuce, peas, potatoes, sprouts and mushrooms.

Fruits like apples, avocados, figs, melons, oranges, pears, plums, pomegranates and mangoes help to balance Pitta. Eat whole fruits instead of juices or dried fruits. This will help you lose weight as well.

Opt for low-fat milk and products. Consume low-fat homemade paneer, unsalted butter, limited amounts of ghee, and cheese.

It is best to stick to a vegetarian diet. However, you can add protein to your meals.

Use oil in limited amounts as the body needs. Use peanut oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, or coconut oil. Cold press oil versions are also a good option. Read – Best Oil For Cooking.

Use mildly flavored spices like cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom, fennel, or black pepper that don't contribute to pitta dosha.

Avoid refined sugars. Replace your sugar with organic jaggery or honey.

To reduce pitta, cooling herbs such as coriander, coriander, cumin, fennel, mint, lime juice, etc. are recommended. Add avocados to the diet to balance the pitta dosha.

Foods To Avoid To Balance Pitta Dosha:

Avoid foods that make pitta worse, as well as those that increase acid secretion or cause weight gain.

  • Sweets and desserts: Refined sugar not only makes pitta worse, it also leads to weight gain. Avoid sweets, confectionery, baked goods, desserts, creamy shakes, or sugary juices.
  • Oily foods: Avoid fried foods, creamy sauces, and foods high in saturated fats and trans fats.
  • Processed foods: Avoid processed foods and junk foods. Such foods not only increase pitta in your body but also lead to weight gain.
  • Meat: Non-vegetarian foods tend to increase pitta and lead to dosha imbalance. Avoid poultry, seafood, and red meat.
  • Beverages: Avoid drinking alcohol, excessive coffee, and products containing caffeine.

Pitta Dosha Diet Plan

Here is a 1-day example of a Pitta Dosha diet plan.

Example diet chart:

Early morning:

1 cup + soaked water

5 – 7 soaked black resins OR 2 dates.


1 cup of herbal milk (mint + ginger + lemongrass + milk) +

2 – 3 small oat and vegetable idlis with coconut chutney and 1 cup of sambar OR,

1 cup of oat and nut porridge OR,

5 pieces of Rawa Dhokla with green mint and coriander chutney.


1 medium fruit (any 1 from the list above).

Having lunch:

1 cup of lettuce + 2 chapati + ½ cup of brown rice + 1 cup of vegetables + 1 cup of dal + 1 glass of buttermilk.


1 cup of green tea OR,

Ginger tea OR,

Cinnamon tea.


1 cup of Elaichi milk +

2 khakras OR,

1 cup of vegetables poha / upma.


1 cup of vegetable soup + 1 millet roti or multigrain roti OR 1½ cup of Khichdi / Daliya +

1 cup of green vegetables + 1 cup of kadhi.


1 cup of turmeric honey milk (without sugar).

Final remark:

Ayurveda says that an imbalance in Vata, Kapha, and Pitta leads to health problems. Adapt to a healthy lifestyle along with clean eating habits to help control your pitta. Foods that have a cooling effect on the body help reduce pitta. Observing the caloric intake and the composition of the food helps in weight loss. Contact a certified professional to start a diet that will balance your doshas and also help you lose weight. Visit our Diet Service page.

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