The Risks Of Our Present Trendy Food plan

Let me say right away that your current modern diet is likely to make you sick.

I had major health problems for three years. What I find absolutely ridiculous is that none of the many doctors or counselors I have been under has ever told me about the dangers of our current modern diet and the possibility that it was a major part of why I was and wasn't sick my health could be restored to a good level. At worst, I was not told about the incredible healing properties of an intermittent plant-based fasting diet.

Many of you have unknowingly suffered from your dietary practices and throughout your life the food that you have no doubt eaten has contributed to the breakdown and deterioration of things in your body! Your bad living habits are consuming and stealing your energy! They get worse over time. A saying that comes to mind is "garbage in, garbage out".

Unhealthy living and our current modern diet contribute significantly to the fact that you feel burned out, tired, full of pain, prematurely old and perhaps head straight for the human "junk heap"! I believe that 99% of all human suffering is caused by wrong and unnatural eating. Just your diet makes you sick.

There is a real connection between what you put in your mouth and your health and how you feel. If you have studied chronic long term health, you may have come to the realization that you cannot rely on medication to restore your health. Would it make sense to change your diet to see if it makes a difference? I will assure you! After all, it is your current modern diet that is making you sick.

"Let food be your medicine … and let your medicine be food."


Our rich, modern diet has been linked to many chronic diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, hardening of the arteries, and diabetes. Growing evidence seems to suggest that our diet is the cause of much of the misery and chronic illness that many of us suffer from.

Now that I've thought about the dangers of your diet, I'd like to make a suggestion in the simplest way possible. Change your diet and stop eating animal and dairy products, refined white flour and sugar products, and anything that isn't whole grains, whole foods, and natural. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose and possibly improved health to enjoy soon.

Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, seeds, and nuts. Try to be a vegetarian, it will bring wonderful benefits. Alternatively, try being a pescatarian or pesco vegetarian so you can consume seafood.

If you really want to experience a lot more vitality, limitless energy and greatly improved health, challenge yourself to follow a herbal diet for a month, just 30 days! At the end of this short time, you decide for yourself whether the benefits are worthwhile. I am confident that they will be.

Read my article, "The Definitive Guide to Plant-Based Eating" to help you get things right.

“The vast majority of chronic diseases today can be prevented and even cured with excellent diet. Food is the safest and most effective medicine. "

Andrea Ferreiro

If you have not yet started making lifestyle changes to become more health conscious, I hope this will help you with that. It is definitely worth the effort. For advice on achieving a healthy lifestyle, try our FREE Healthy Lifestyle Plan and Unique Weekly 70 Point Scoring System – Find out more

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