Wanderlust Harnessing the Energy of Crystals for Sexual Wellbeing
Thoughts are things.
The vibrations and energy of an object or being can affect its environment. In the vegetable and crystal kingdoms, you have encapsulated the properties of some of the most powerful and noble expressions of humanity and spirit.
Let's talk about three of the most powerful crystals in the world for sexual health and healing.
First and foremost is Crocoite: the libido booster and fire starter. Crocoite is the most pristine, passionate, sexual stone on the planet. Why haven't you heard of it before, you ask? Um, because everyone is scared of sex ?! ??! It really looks like it – a rich, bright orange-red.
This is the color of the second chakra, the chakra of sex and creativity. It occurs primarily in Tasmania, which has the cleanest air and cleanest rainwater on earth. And the hottest crystals!
Crocite is the crystal for passion. It is also known for:
- Revitalize your libido and start your passion – both in bed and in any parts of your life that you may have been lacking the momentum.
- Bring new life into old relationships and support transformation and a fresh start
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- Animal and primitive expression
- It is also said to increase the sensitivity of the sexual organs
- Increase fertility
- Compensating for all types of female and male reproductive problems
In second place is Rhodochrosite, It is the most powerful crystal for sexual healing.
- Helps in healing deep trauma
- Clean topics such as sexual abuse, trauma, and assault, including circumcision.
- Rebuilds a sense of self-love and self-worth.
- Helps you recognize your share of relationships and project your content onto your partner.
garnet is best suited to harness sexual power and channel it into creative energy into the world. It is also known:
Tantric Wisdom Relief, known as the Tantric Master Stone
- Increase sexual appetite
- Help use your sexual energy as a creative force
- Connect with your Dharma
- Increase fertility in both men and women
How do you use your crystals? Try one of two options:
Physically. Keep them close by by carrying them with you or placing them near you e.g. B. on your bedside table, where you work or spend a lot of time. You purify the crystal by placing it in the sun, moonlight, or salt water and then infusing it on purpose.
The second way is to ingest the vibrational essence of the crystal orally as an elixir. It is believed that this is an even more powerful way to absorb the energy of the crystal within you. If you have seen Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiments, you will know that water can easily be charged with vibrational frequencies.
I've created a series of crystal elixirs for every possible sexual problem: from libido to erections to problems with the father figure, to get rid of the Madonna-Whore complex, and to unlock cervical orgasms in women. Check out our full range of Anami Crystal Elixirs in the Anami Alchemia online shop.
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Kim Anami is a holistic sex + relationship trainer and vaginal weightlifter who is here to add more passion to your life and bed. Listen to their acclaimed Orgasmic Enlightenment podcast, watch their sex education videos on YouTube, and experience their online life changing programs on kimanami.com.
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