14 Tips To Help A Friend Through A Breakup, From Therapists

Again, we all heal differently.

“Try not to pass judgment on how a person chooses to heal,” Shuavarnnasri says. They add, “If your friend engages in behaviors that are destructive, be the compassionate friend who can lovingly support them to behave in ways that are more aligned to their values.”

Shuavarnnasri says practicing nonviolent communication skills can help in these situations. Nonviolent communication is “when we use empathy and compassion within our language,” they explain. This can sound like, “I know all of this is really hard, and I know you’re trying your best. I’m also noticing some behaviors that might be hindering your healing process. Are you open to hearing my suggestions?”

This example demonstrates how centering your friend, their values, and their feelings is key to moving them through the process of a breakup. 

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