15 Best Foods For Healthy Bones

15 best foods for healthy bones

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become brittle and fragile, and break easily. Osteoporosis occurs due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D. Do you know that women suffer from these diseases more often than men and need more calcium and vitamin D?

Calcium, a mineral, helps teeth and bone structure by storing it in the bones, and vitamin D improves calcium absorption in the body. As we get older, our bodies need more calcium and vitamin D. The likelihood of osteoporosis increases with age, and after 50, the likelihood is higher.

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Adults up to 50 years of age need 1000 mg calcium and 200 IU vitamin D daily, and adults over 50 need 1200 mg calcium and 600 IU vitamin D per day.

Include foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D that will keep your bones healthy.

15 best foods for healthy bones

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, although vitamin D is best absorbed by sunlight, but yogurt is fortified with vitamin D. Due to its preparation, it contains more calcium and vitamin D than milk. 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt contains 42% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium.

2. cheese

Milk is high in calcium, so dairy products certainly contain calcium. Cheese has a bit of vitamin D and a lot of calcium, a small serving of cheese is beneficial, but more cheese only results in more calories. 1.5 ounces of cheese contains more than 30% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium. So enjoy cheese, but not in moderate amounts.

3. Milk

Milk contains more than 30% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium, and some brands are fortified with vitamin D, and milk contains fewer calories, making milk a good option for calcium. Milk is the best source of calcium for children.

4. Salmon

Vitamin D is hard to find in food, but salmon is the best source of vitamin D. One serving of salmon contains more than 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D. Salmon is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Spinach

If you are allergic or dislike to dairy products, take spinach. It's another best way to get calcium. One serving of cooked spinach contains around 25% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium.

6. Catfish

Unless you're a vegetarian, you can't go wrong with catfish, the cheapest fish and the best source of vitamin D than any other fish.

7. Almond butter

Almond butter is low in cholesterol, low in fat, and high in protein than other butters. Almond contains more calcium per serving than other nuts. So take a handful of almonds or buttered almonds and make your bones healthy.

8. Tuna

Tuna is another fatty fish that has a higher amount of vitamin D. A serving of tuna provides 39% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D along with potassium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Green leafy vegetables

Kale, kale, watercress, arugula. Broccoli – These dark green leafy vegetables are the best source of calcium after dairy products. The serving of Collard Green provides 25% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium.

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10. Fortified cereals

One serving of whole grains, walnuts, and wheat contains 25% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D. Grains are the tastier way to get vitamin D.

11. Eggs

Eggs are an easy way to get vitamin D and save calories. Vitamin D is only found in egg yolks and one serving contains 6% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D.

12. Sardines

These fish are high in calcium and vitamin D and can be eaten in delicious pastas and salads.

13. Orange juice

Orange juices are fortified with vitamin D and calcium.

14. Soy drink

Soy drink is a good source of calcium and a 200 ml serving contains 178 mg of calcium.

15. Tofu

One serving of tofu contains 372 mg calcium.

Include these foods in your diet and keep your bones healthy. Comment on which foods you prefer for calcium and vitamin D.

What do you eat for your healthy bones? Let us know!

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