3 simple steps to jump-start your heart health this year – . Health Blog
In 2020, the dire number of COVID-19 pandemics largely overshadowed the ailment that remains the leading cause of death in this country: heart disease. In the United States, at least twice as many people died from cardiovascular causes in the past year than those who died from complications from SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus.
While the virus’s challenges are new, experts have been studying heart disease for decades – and knowledge can benefit anyone. "The lifestyle habits that keep your heart healthy can also make you less prone to serious complications from infections like COVID-19 and influenza," says cardiologist Dr. Deepak L. Bhatt, Professor of Medicine at . Medical School and Editor-in-Chief of the . Heart Letter.
What exactly are these heart-healthy habits? The American Heart Association calls it "Life’s Simple 7". Simply put, they are:
1) quit smoking
2) Eat better
3) Be active
4) Lose weight
5) Manage your blood pressure
6) Control Your Cholesterol
7) Lower your blood sugar
This year, take three steps to boost heart health
But seven steps seem too much to maneuver, or even seem overwhelming. So let's make it even easier by focusing on a few. Of course, not everyone needs to lose weight or lower their blood sugar. The reality is that most Americans don't smoke, so step one doesn't apply to very many people.
Unfortunately, this is not the case with steps two and three. Most people don't eat enough plant-based foods like vegetables, whole grains, beans, and fruits. And few Americans get the recommended amounts of exercise. That's at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) per week plus muscle-strengthening activity (such as weight lifting) for at least two days per week.
Of course, improving your diet and exercise game will help you lose weight (step four). But did you know that better eating and more exercise can also help with steps five, six, and seven?
Start with a small change and then add it
Do your heart a favor in 2021 by doing these three things.
Make a small change to your diet. Some suggestions: Swap meat for beans in one of your favorite dinner recipes. Eat a slice of whole grain bread instead of white bread. Try a vegetable that you have never eaten before.
Do a heart rate increasing exercise for 10 minutes. Some suggestions: Take a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Get on a treadmill or other exercise machine. No machines at hand? Do some simple calisthenics, like a combination of jumping jacks, squats, leg raises, and arm circles.
Know your numbers. It is easy to pursue these four key values. Step on a scale and calculate your body mass index based on your weight and height. Measure your blood pressure (many pharmacies have machines). Check your medical records for your latest blood test results, which should include cholesterol and fasting blood sugar levels.
Here are the standard goals:
- Body mass index between 18.5 and 25 (see this BMI calculator)
- Blood pressure below 120/80 mm / Hg
- Total cholesterol less than 200 mg / dL
- Fasting blood sugar (glucose) below 100 mg / dl.
It is important to note that your individual goals may vary based on age, medical, and family history. Discuss this with your doctor, and then work together to achieve or keep these four levels within the optimal range for you. This may include taking medication. In the meantime, make small changes to your diet and exercise program. Gradually adding healthier foods and spending more time exercising can really have positive effects on your heart and overall health.
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