6 Ways To Stay Motivated For Weight Loss

Weight loss is always a long, arduous, but rewarding journey. You have to stay motivated all the time. When you give up, you give up on your health. Life is about being healthy and spreading joy! Agree?

I'll share a few tips from my personal experience that kept me going. Please contribute to the list, everyone will benefit from your input.

6 Ways To Stay Motivated For Weight Loss

6 Ways To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight Now

1. Have a partner in crime 😛

When you have a partner in your weight loss journey, it becomes a cake walk. You won't feel depressed facing a plateau or unable to focus. If you have a partner in the gym, it's even better. I don't have a partner in the gym, but I discuss my weight loss with my bestie a lot. She does that too. If you share your problems, you will keep stress away, which will lead to tremendous weight gain. If you are not aware of this fact, read it here.

2. Decide what reward you will deserve for achieving your short term goal

Always divide your long-term goal into short parts, read here. For example – when I reach my goal of the month, I allow myself to enjoy cheese noodles or vegetable sizzlers. Oh! I'm drooling. 😛

3. Don't lose focus, keep your goal in front of your eyes!

If you haven't read The Secret, please read. Otherwise check out the video on Youtube. It is a short film of about 1.5 hours. I wrote my goal weight on a large stickie and put it in my closet right in front of my bed. I see it first thing in the morning and also before I fall asleep at night. This has proven to be an immense motivator that keeps me from cheating.

4. Object of motivation

I always buy a smaller dress, 1 or 2 smaller than my current size. I wear it every week to measure my progress. Every time I wear it, my determination to get fit and flaunt the perfectly fitting dress grows stronger.

5. Don't be too hard on yourself

If your skinny friend eats pizza on the excursion, please opt for a sub or a salad. Homemade food is healthy, but when it prevents you from socializing, your weight loss becomes frustrating. You can eat outside with your friends and family. Just learn to eat smart, read here.

6. Change your training plan regularly

If you're the type of guy who gets bored of going to the gym, you can opt for other workouts that are equally good for burning fat. You can read some options for such workouts here, here and here

These were 6 ways to stay motivated to lose weight. What are your favorite motivational options?

My best wishes for your weight loss journey!

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