60+ Thought Provoking Questions For Any Situation & Person

According to somatic psychologist and therapist Holly Richmond, Ph.D., LMFT, CST, thought-provoking questions and conversation are all about curiosity and connection. "Conversation – not a monologue – is a direct route to a person's head or heart, depending on the context," she explains. When you ask someone quality questions – and show genuine interest in what they have to say – "you are setting up a system for a deeper connection in the future."

And according to licensed marriage and family therapist Tiana Leeds, M.A., LMFT, without addressing these deeper issues, we are left with our own assumptions about others, which, of course, are not always true.

"Conversation is our shortcut to understanding who someone is and to deepen our connection with them," she explains, adding that open communication can give us direct access to someone's innermost thoughts and feelings – and us too gives the opportunity to be seen and known. As Richmond notes, good conversation is all about reciprocity.

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