8 Best Quick Snacks For Tennis Players

Tennis is a sport that requires a lot of energy. Almost 80% of our body muscles are very heavily used when playing tennis. It's a sport that burns calories quickly.

According to the latest research, the average person burns around 575-775 calories an hour while playing individual tennis matches. This is why tennis players often get hungry.

Sometimes hunger calls during the tennis tournament and sometimes after or before the match. The most difficult scenario is keeping the hunger hormone relaxed during the tournament as it affects your performance.

To get rid of such a situation, it is often recommended to have some snacks in your pocket so that you can satisfy your hunger and get a tremendous amount of energy.

Here are some quick and healthy snack ideas that you can have every 40-50 minutes of vigorous physical activity.

Let's find out!

Ideal snack for tennis players:

There is a misconception these days that is to only eat protein-based foods and avoid carbohydrates in your diet entirely.

Although it is only a great strategy if you are building muscle and losing weight. But it's not a workable concept when you play tennis.

See, it takes a lot of energy to start fires on the tennis court, so choose the best tennis racket of your choice.

Ideally, the best snack for a tennis player should be one that is high in simple carbohydrates.

It should also contain a small amount of protein with little or no fat. Minerals and vitamins should be present in your snacks. Make sure you are low in fiber as it will leave you feeling full.

Such snacks give the player a high energy boost and are not easily digested. So that means ghrelin – the hunger hormone doesn't activate quickly.

Here are the 8 best quick snacks for tennis players:

Quick snacks

Photo credit: Unsplash

Taking into account the above characteristics of an ideal tennis snack, you will find many different and delicious options to satisfy your hunger pangs in between. But for the sake of simplicity, we've mentioned some nutritious and healthy snack ideas below.

1. Fruits and vegetables:

There are many types of fruits and vegetables that provide simple carbohydrates and provide a quick burst of energy. Some of the options are:

Banana, apple, dates, strawberries, oranges, apricots, pears, avocado slices, watermelon slices. Olives.

The best thing to do is to make a fruit salad out of all the fruits of the season and keep it in an airtight container and put it in your gym bag.

Likewise, the options for vegetables such as celery sticks, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh cabbage, broccoli, boiled or baked potatoes and many others are unlimited.

For a spicier option, you can use peanut butter, cream cheese, and hummus as a dip

2. Dairy products:

When it comes to dairy products, Greek yogurt is the healthiest option. It is also rich in protein and available in different flavors. Cheese cubes can also be enjoyed. Cheese cubes are really very simple and easy to transport. You can combine them with crackers or cookies.

3. Energy bar:

This is something completely unbelievable. It will really give you a big boost of energy. But you have to be careful when choosing. Always choose the right energy bar from any high-end brand and don't forget to read the ingredients. Make sure it doesn't have any added sugar.

4. Hard boiled eggs:

A hard-boiled egg is a good option, but consuming too much of it in the hot summer can cause some problem. Therefore, it is better to use it only in winter. Eggs are a rich source of protein, minerals, and vitamins.

5. Smoothies:

The combination of seasonal fruits and dried fruits with honey, yogurt and milk makes a great smoothie that is not only healthy but also delicious. It gives you the strength and energy you need while playing tennis. It also keeps your body cool.

6. Sandwich:

A practical and healthy option for a tennis player. Make a chicken and cheese sandwich with shredded chicken and cheese slices and place it in your pocket. It stays fresh all day and keeps your tummy full.

7. Trail mix:

Well, no one can deny the fact that Trail Mix is ​​the best in-between snack. Trail mix is ​​a combination of muesli, dried fruit, nuts and sometimes sweets. They are best to satisfy your hunger for a shorter period of time. But be careful when choosing trail mix.

Be sure to buy one that doesn't have any candy or chocolates in it as you are just getting empty calories with no energy.

8. Rice cake

Another healthier alternative is rice cake. Rice cake is a great snack that not only gives you energy but also adds a delicious taste to your taste buds.

Closing remarks:

Choosing the right and healthy snack will keep you energized throughout the game. You can focus on your match and defeat the opponent when your ghrelin (hunger hormone) is relaxed. Also learn about the 14 most important benefits of playing tennis (physical, social and mental).

Always remember to choose a snack that is high in carbohydrates and low in sugar. Sugar only provides black calories that do not contribute to your energy supply.

About the author:

Dimple D is the author of GoTennisRacquets. Blogger with years of experience who doesn't give up until the job is done right. As a racket sports expert, she has been providing sports fans with high-quality content for some time.

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