Atopic Dermatitis ( Eczema ) Indian Diet Plan | Tips and Foods to Avoid

It’s winter time and we all experience dry itchy skin. This is a temporary condition, which can be solved by using a milk-based soap and a moisturizing lotion. But there are few people who have chronic itching and dry and scaly skin that lasts for the whole year long. This is known as eczema. There are many types of eczema you can see, but atopic eczema is more prevalent among the population. Read on to know about Atopic dermatitis and eczema Indian diet plan, tips, and foods to avoid.


Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that causes inflammation, redness, and irritation of the skin. It is often observed in childhood. However, it can also occur in adults. This skin disorder is not contagious, hence it does not spread via touching.

Atopic dermatitis has 2 stages;

  1. Flare: There is acute itching, redness, inflammation, and dry scaly skin
  2. Remission: There is a point when there will be no itching, dryness, or inflammation on the skin. The skin appears very normal.

Atopic dermatitis often resolves when the kid turns 18. But it is not certain that eczema will get cured on its own. It might linger on your whole life or it might get resolved at puberty.

Symptoms of eczema

  • Dry red patches on the skin
  • Inflammation of skin
  • Itching and bleeding of skin if scratched
  • Thickening of skin
  • Darkening of the skin around the eyes

Usually, these symptoms will resolve on their own or after applying moisturizing lotion. But if the symptoms still persist then it is better to take a professional’s help for symptomatic relief.

Causes of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)


Complications of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

  • Neurodermatitis: It develops a dry itchy skin path. Once you scratch it, the itching worsens. Chronic itching and scratching will make the affected area discolored, thick, and leathery.
  • Contact dermatitis: It is caused when the person touches the substance that triggers the allergic reaction.
  • Prone to skin infections: With constant scratching, the part of the skin is exposed to bacteria and viruses in the surrounding. These infections if not treated might cause severe complications.
  • Discoloration of skin: The affected skin area either loses color or becomes darker than the original skin. This is called hyper or hypopigmentation.
  • Food allergies: Along with dermatitis people are more prone to suffer from food allergies. This is mostly due to low immunity.
  • Psychological implication: The person might suffer from depression or anxiety due to the illness. The constant fear of allergy and itching might also disturb sleep and cause sleep-related issues.


Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

Eczema cannot be cured. But, you can always try to reduce the effect of the flare stages or minimize the effects of allergies.

  • Use moisturizer: Dry skin triggers an itching response. Apply milk-based lotions, creams, shea butter, petroleum jelly, or any product that suits your skin well. Apply twice a day to avoid dryness. Use unscented, without essential oil and mild products.
  • Shower regularly: Shower twice a day with lukewarm water. Avoid hot water and long showers, as they may dry your skin. Take a quick shower, pat dry your body, and apply moisturizer. Avoid scrubbing your skin while bathing or while wiping your body dry.
  • Use a mild soap: Use a soap that is scent-free, and does not have any harmful oils, dyes, or alcohol. Infants do not need soap. Only a warm water bath is enough.
  • Avoid using scented products on the skin directly: Avoid using deodorants, body mists, antiperspirants, perfumes, etc.

The triggers are subjective to each individual. You need to identify your triggers and act accordingly. Along with medication and the above tips, you can change your diet. Atopic dermatitis ( Eczema ) Indian diet plan, tips, and foods to avoid for controlling eczema as well as reducing the symptoms.

Atopic Dermatitis ( Eczema ) Indian Diet Plan

Here is a list of foods to include and avoid in Atopic dermatitis ( Eczema)

Foods to Include for eczema

 Along with a healthy diet that contains adequate carbohydrates, proteins, and fats include these below-mentioned foods.

  • Omega 3-rich foods: Omega 3 helps to reduce the inflammation caused by eczema. Include omega-3-rich foods in your daily diet like fish, walnuts, olive oil, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and canola oil.
  • Probiotics: Include curd, buttermilk, or other probiotics like sauerkraut, miso, or tempeh in your daily diet. Probiotics improve gut health, boost immunity and reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Antioxidant-rich foods: Foods that are rich in flavonoids help to boost immunity. Antioxidants help to reduce inflammation and prevent the drying of the skin. Include foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and dark green leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E when consumed in enough amounts helps to keep the skin moisturized and prevents drying. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the skin and prevents cracking of the skin. It also helps to reduce skin darkening and discoloration. Include nuts like almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, pine nuts, and seeds like pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
  • Water: Hydrating the skin is of utmost importance. A hydrated body doesn’t let the skin dry and does not trigger itching. Consume at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily during winters and 3-4 liters during summers.


Foods to Include for eczema

  • Foods you are allergic to Make a list of foods that you consumed before allergy. Eliminate those foods and add them one by one. Check if any of that food might have caused allergies. Following a low fodmap diet can be helpful if you are allergic to many foods.
  • Certain spices: Some spices might trigger allergic reactions like cinnamon, clove, bay leaf, or cloves.
  • Aerated beverages: Aerated beverages like colas and sports drinks might trigger allergic reactions.
  • Nuts: Nuts like peanuts, pine nuts, or almonds might cause allergies. Try to eliminate them from your diet and slowly introduce them to check if you have any nut allergies.
  • Eggs: Some might be allergic to raw eggs or even cooked ones. Avoid eggs if you are in the flare stage.

Atopic Dermatitis ( Eczema ) Indian Diet Plan

Here is a sample of the Atopic dermatitis ( Eczema) Indian diet plan

Empty stomach: Soaked nuts (Almonds, walnuts, dates, black raisins, and chia seeds)

Breakfast: 2 Small moong dal chilla pizzas topped with veggies + 1 glass of Lassi

Mid-morning: 1 Fruit (100-150 gms)

Lunch: 1 cup Salad + 2 Chapati + ½ cup Rice + 1 cup Vegetables + 1 cup Dal or pulse + 1 cup curd or 100 gms Fish or chicken

Snacks: 1 Spinach bean roll (In chapati) with curd basil dip

Dinner: 1 cup Vegetable soup + 1 cup Pulao or Biryani or daliya or Rice + 1 cup Dark green leafy vegetable + 1 cup Curd


End note

It is necessary to identify your triggers and avoid those to prevent any flares in your condition. Do not panic, but act fast and smart. Hope this Atopic dermatitis and eczema Indian diet plan, tips, and foods to avoid,  helps you in feeling better. If the symptoms are very drastic a personalized diet plan will help you better in the long term. Please visit our services if you wish to avail of one.

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