Banana Nut Protein Oats (20 grams protein)

This high-protein bowl of oatmeal, sweetened with ripe banana and just a hint of maple syrup, uses vanilla protein shake and egg whites to add more protein and make the oats creamy.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-80062" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20550%20825'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="Banana Nut Protein Oats "width =" 550 "height =" 825 "data-pin-description =" This protein-rich bowl of oatmeal, sweetened with ripe banana and just a hint of maple syrup, uses vanilla protein shake and egg whites to add add more protein and make the oats creamy. #Oats #Oatmeal #Protein # Breakfast #Healthy #Healthy Breakfast "data-pin-title =" Banana-Nut-Protein-Oats "data-lazy-srcset =" uploads / 2021/08 / Banana-Nut-Protein-Oats-7.jpg 550w,×750 .jpg 500w,×255.jpg 170w, -content / uploads /2021/08/Banana-Nuss-Protein-Oats-7-260×390.jpg 260w, Oats-7- 150×225.jpg 150w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px "data-lazy-src =" 2021/08 / Banana-Nut-Protein-Oats-7.jpg "/>
Banana Nut Protein Oats

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. I try to start with at least 20 grams of protein every morning, especially after a workout, which means I want to keep adding more protein to my meals. This healthy banana and nut oatmeal is just the thing with 20 grams of protein and only 333 calories. In addition, this breakfast is super easy and quick to prepare. For a higher protein breakfast, try high protein oat waffles, a hearty cottage cheese bowl, and a high protein oat bread.

Banana Nut Protein Oatmeal

How do you increase the protein in oatmeal?

Half a cup of oatmeal has five grams of protein, so I like to add more to keep me full all morning. Below are a few ways to increase protein counts.

  • protein: Egg whites in oatmeal are an easy way to add more protein. Not to mention they make it super creamy and you can't even taste them.
  • Protein shake: I use protein shakes instead of water or milk to improve both protein and taste. Orgain's Vanilla Bean Shake is my favorite. You can also use powder, simply prepare as directed and then add.
  • nuts: I garnish the oatmeal with walnuts for extra crispness and protein.


  • If you prefer protein powder, prepare it as directed and use 2/3 cup powder.
  • Change the taste by using chocolate protein shake. Or, if you don't want to use a protein shake, replace it with 2/3 cup of your favorite milk.
  • Chopped pecans or almonds for the walnuts
  • Swap the maple syrup for agave or honey.

Drizzle maple on oatmeal

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-80063" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20550%20825'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="Banana Nut Protein Oats "width =" 550 "height =" 825 "data-pin-description =" This protein-rich bowl of oatmeal, sweetened with ripe banana and just a hint of maple syrup, uses vanilla protein shake and egg whites to add add more protein and make the oats creamy. #Oats #Oatmeal #Protein # Breakfast #Healthy #Healthy Breakfast "data-pin-title =" Banana-Nut-Protein-Oats "data-lazy-srcset =" uploads / 2021/08 / Banana-Nut-Protein-Oats-6.jpg 550w,×750 .jpg 500w,×255.jpg 170w, -content / uploads /2021/08/Banana-Nuss-Protein-Oats-6-260×390.jpg 260w, Oats-6- 150×225.jpg 150w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px "data-lazy-src =" 2021/08 / Banana-Nut-Protein-Oats-6.jpg "/>Banana Nut Protein Oatmeal

More Oat Recipes You Will Love:

Banana Nut Protein Oats

333 Calories
20th protein
52 carbohydrates
6.5 Fats

Preparation time: 5 Minutes

Cooking time: 5 Minutes

Total time: 10 Minutes

This high-protein bowl of oatmeal, sweetened with ripe banana and just a hint of maple syrup, uses vanilla protein shake and egg whites to add more protein and make the oats creamy.

  • 1 medium-ripe banana, halved
  • 1/3 Cup oatmeal, (see labels for gluten-free)
  • 2/3 Cup liquid Orgain Vanilla Protein Shake
  • 3 tablespoon protein
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure maple syrup
  • 5 Gram chopped walnuts
  • Slice half of the banana and set aside.

  • Mash the other half of the banana with a fork and place in a small saucepan with the oatmeal, protein shake and egg white and mix well.

  • Reduce the heat to medium-low and stir until it comes to a boil. As soon as it boils, continue cooking until it has thickened, about 2-3 minutes.

  • Transfer to a bowl and top with the rest of the banana, chopped walnuts and maple syrup.

Portion: 1key, Calories: 333kcal, Carbohydrates: 52G, Protein: 20thG, Fat: 6.5G

Blue Smart Points: 6th

Green smart points: 6th

Purple Smart Points: 3

Keywords: High protein breakfast, oatmeal, protein oats

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