Best Detox Diet Plan For Navratri

Before I talk about anything else let me wish each one of you a very auspicious Navratri. May these nine days of faith bring in good health for all of you. May we all be able to invoke the strength of Devi Durga in all of us to be able to fight against the forces internal as well as external.

I wrote my Navratri diet plan (read here) and here I have a nine-day detox during this time. Fasting during Navratri doesn’t always have a religious meaning for everyone. I have many family members who fast these nine days just to kick start weight loss or just to fight that weight loss plateau they have been fighting for long. But personally speaking I feel Navratri can be a very good time to detox (and who said that you cannot think about good health along with religion?)

Best Detox Diet Plan For Navratri

I know many youngsters who opt for minimum one meek or five days during Navratri just to abstain from junk food and help detox their bodies. I think it’s a good idea but we need to remember that detoxing doesn’t mean starvation. Then how to go for detox, as you are used to eating so much so bound to get hunger pangs and will give in midway. Or most of the times we have seen people starving aimlessly during these nine days and as soon as the fast is over, they go on a binging spree and the end result is…. You already know what I wish to say here.

What is real Detox?

detox water

A real detox means drinking a lot of liquid so that the toxins from your system are flushed out. Detox means eating easily digestible light food and that too at frequent intervals. But what we actually do is pile up our plates with heavily fried “Navratra special foods” and then go to sleep satisfied burping with heavy tummies. (I remember as a kid I ate so much after the fast in the evening that I threw up at night.)

Right way to Detox during Navratras

The right way to eat for Detox during these nine days of Navratras can be something like this…

Early morning

Two glasses of warm water with or without lime or wheatgrass or aloe vera and amla  juice added to water.


Healthy oatmeal smoothie

Mixed fruit smoothie with coconut water or green tea as base and ten almonds


Either one apple or an orange or mixed fruit juice. Please don’t consume packaged juices as they will mar your detox plan.



Fruit chaat, if you don’t mind taking salt anytime of the day or mixed fruits one big bowl with a glass of lemon water without any sugar. Add fresh vegetable salads to this meal.


The Best Midnight Snacks For Your Cravings green tea

Green Tea with some walnuts or mixed dry fruits..(go slow on figs and raisins)


Easy Pomegranate Tea Recipe For Fat Loss no 4

Have any whole fruit but avoid banana and cheekoo as they will bring in too much of carb loading. Can have Fruit tea like Pomegranate tea.


Best Detox Diet Plan For NavratriBest Detox Diet Plan For Navratri to kickstart healthy weight management journey

Finally the dinner time, which should not be after 8-9 pm. You can have sautéed vegetables and clear vegetable soups. Adding homemade paneer (remember we are on a detox) to veggies is a good idea.

Before Bed

If you feel hungry, you can have a small cup of milk.

One word of caution here is that please keep drinking a lot of water throughout the day. You can have some honey in lime water or freshly squeezed juices in between if you feel hungry. Aim is to cleanse your system with the added benefit of weight loss but please don’t starve. If you feel you cannot carry on with it add some fresh salads during snack time. A cucumber here and a tomato there is welcome.

So this was all about the detox during Navratri.

I am going to follow this Detox Diet Plan For Navratri, Are you?

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