Best Low Carb Summer Vegetables

Best low-carb summer vegetables

Summers are coming and we are seeing changes in clothes, shoes and food everywhere. This is the season for a wide variety of vegetables. I am repeatedly asked by vegetarian dietitians what vegetables to eat on a low-carb diet. So here is a list of ten best low carbohydrate summer vegetables. In addition to being low in carbohydrates, these vegetables are something that allows our bodies to handle the heat more efficiently. I tried to only include vegetables that are readily available and also easy to carry in your pocket.

Best low-carb summer vegetables

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1. Cucumber

Cucumbers are the best choice in summer because they are 96 percent water and are eaten raw, green. The high water content makes them ideal for summer.

Additional Brownie Points: One cup of sliced ​​cucumber has only 16 calories and 4 grams of net carbs.

2. Eggplant

Very common purple vegetables that are high in fiber and antioxidants.

Additional brownie points: One cup of cooked eggplant has only 35 calories, 7 grams of net carbs.

3. mushrooms

Mushrooms have been shown to boost the human body's immune system. Mushrooms offer properties more commonly found in meat, beans, or grains.

Extra Brownie Points: Only 38 calories in 100 g, fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free and very low in sodium. Ideal for Carb Watchers 100 g mushrooms have only 3 g net carbohydrates.

4. Tomatoes

They are great as coolers.

Extra Brownie Points: 100 g tomatoes have only 18 calories and 3 g net carbohydrates.

5. Green beans

Green beans are an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as the bone-building vitamin K., which is also important for blood clotting. They also contain substantial amounts of potassium and magnesium that help normalize blood pressure.

Additional brownie points: One cup of green beans has only 44 calories and 10 grams of carbohydrates. and also provides about 4 grams of fiber.

6. Pumpkin

Pumpkin has great cooling and diuretic properties. It's also good for digestion and getting rid of intestinal worms from the digestive system because it is high in fiber. Pumpkin is extremely high in fiber and low in calories, and contains disease-fighting nutrients such as pantothenic acid, magnesium, and vitamins C and E.

Extra Brownie Points: 1 cup of pumpkin has 30 calories and 7 grams of carbohydrates with negligible fat.

7. Celery

Celery acts as a diuretic that helps lose excess water weight without causing dehydration. It stimulates the kidneys, making it easier for them to flush waste and extra fluids out of your body, causing gas.

Additional Brownie Points: 100g has 16 calories, 1g has net carbs and negligible fat.

8. Bottle gourd

Bottle gourd is the best choice to deal with the summer heat. It keeps gas, constipation, and acidity under control. 96% of this pumpkin is water. It is absolutely helpful in summer and especially for those who work under the hot sun as it has the ability to prevent heat stroke and reclaim the water lost through sweat.

Additional Brownie Points: Only 15 calories, less than 4g net carbohydrates and 0.1g fat in 100g.

9. Paprika

Paprika has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antimicrobial effects.

Additional brownie points: 100 g of sliced ​​fresh peppers have around 20 calories and 3 g of net carbohydrates.

10. Bitter gourd

Bitter gourds are beneficial in lowering sugar levels, fighting cancer, and a range of infections. It relieves constipation and helps in improving blood circulation as well as being a blood purifier.

Additional brownie points: 100 g has only 17 calories and 1 net carbohydrate.

It is not wrong to say that nature brings all these vegetables in the summer to help boost the immune system and keep the system cool and clean. So, those looking to lose some weight this summer can go for this vegetable and get the results they want.

P. S – How to calculate net carbohydrates and net carbohydrates in common foods here.

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