Can The Junk In Your Home Be Affecting Your Health?

It is inevitable to produce trash in your household on a daily basis. It could be tissue paper, soda can, water bottles, plastic containers, brown bags, or anything you use regularly.

So expect to have to fill your trash bags daily and get rid of them right away.

You can hire a garbage disposal company like this to get the job done for you quickly, especially if you throw away a lot of trash at once. All you have to do is arrange for a pickup and wait for the collectors to show up right on your doorstep.

Some people find it annoying to collect garbage from different rooms and throw it in their trash cans outside. While it can be a boring task, don't miss it as improper waste disposal can harm the environment and your health.

Pathogenic pests

If you allow garbage to build up in your home, you are inviting many disease-carrying pests into your home. Pests can be mosquitoes, flies, mosquitos, bed bugs, lice, fleas, and ticks.

What's worse is that most of these pests are incredibly small and difficult to identify in your household. These pests can transmit the following diseases that could harm your family:

Hookworms are parasites that affect the lungs, skin, and small intestine of an infected person. Although rare in Australia, it does not mean that the pest is entirely absent from the continent. People can get hookworm infection when they come into contact with hookworm larvae, which are usually found on dirt. The hookworm usually develops in a household with poor sanitation.

Once you become infected with hookworms, you will experience itching and a small rash where the larvae invade your skin. Then you get diarrhea. To treat hookworm infection, you should consult your doctor, who can provide appropriate medication for your condition.

Gastroenteritis, also called stomach flu, is a viral or bacterial infection. An infection causes loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. With this in mind, your main concern should be to keep yourself hydrated at all times.

If you experience severe symptoms, you should consult your doctor, who will prescribe the correct medicine to remove the infection from your body.

Air pollution

If you think that air pollution is only caused by exhaust fumes and vehicle gas, it is time to reconsider your thoughts. Air pollution comes in many forms and one of them comes from your household waste.

Even if the garbage has built up in your home, like at the landfill, it can cause air pollution, especially food waste.

Leaving your trash in your house for too long will encourage air pollution in your home so that it is not a safe place to live, especially for children and the elderly.

If your home is polluted, expect a variety of respiratory diseases.

Because of the trash, the air in your home can contain carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are known to be dangerous to your body, especially if inhaled in excessive amounts.


Dermatitis is a skin irritation that occurs when you come in contact with harmful waste. Keeping the junk around your home for too long creates harmful irritants and bacteria that can be dangerous to your skin.

If you develop dermatitis there is no need to worry about influencing others as they are not contagious. However, it can make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.

With dermatitis, rashes appear on puffy or itchy, dry skin. Before applying medicated ointments to your skin, you should consult your dermatologist who will be able to further assess the symptom you are experiencing and prescribe the correct medication.

How to properly manage your waste

Manage your waste

You should therefore practice proper waste disposal in your home. This will help shut down the possibilities of diseases that can harm your family and keep them safe. Below are the ways you can manage your home's trash:

  1. Reduce your waste

The most effective way to keep your family safe from harmful chemicals is to reduce the amount of waste you produce on a daily basis. You can start by cutting down on plastic and bringing your cloth bag with you when you go shopping.

You can also purchase items that can be bought without packaging or that use paper bag packaging. Paper is easy to recycle, making it a great alternative to the common tin and plastic containers.

There are shops that encourage their customers to fill their glasses with herbs and spices, for example to protect the environment at a reasonable price.

  1. Reuse and recycle your waste

You can effectively manage your trash by reusing or recycling the trash you have at home. Instead of throwing away your used plastic containers, you might want to hoard them, put them in a box, and take them to your recycling center.

If you have a lot of metal bins at your desk instead of throwing them away, consider reusing them instead. If you are not happy with the color and design, you can make your own containers to make them look exactly how you like them.

  1. Separate your trash

You should conduct proper waste disposal in your home through segregation. You should have bins for your child's food waste, garden waste, papers, plastics, dust, and diapers. In this way you will help the garbage collector to sort your garbage properly.


Since waste is difficult to avoid in everyday life, you can also reduce the amount of waste you produce every day.

Additionally, don't forget to throw away your trash every day so that it doesn't attract pests, pollution, or disease to your home.

Prevention is better than cure, especially when your family's health is a concern. To prevent illness and create a healthy living environment, keeping your home as neat as possible is a good idea.

About the author:

Lupe Espinosa is a successful blogger who talks about a variety of topics under the sun – from home improvement to pet care to health and wellness. Lupe has won thousands of readers worldwide because he can produce funny pieces in the aforementioned niches.

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