Celery Juice: Miraculous Well being Elixir?

Article overview:

  • Celery juice is on trend, with over 35,000 recent Instagram recommendations and 62 million Google results.
  • Some claim it reduces inflammation, mood disorders, and heals the digestive system.
  • Research shows that it can slow down cancer, but the most significant human evidence to date suggests that celery may have a positive impact on blood pressure.

Celery Juice: The New Health Wrath?

Friends of mine recently complained that they couldn't find celery anywhere. The grocery store was sold out. That was the health food market. When celery hit the shelves, the price was outrageous. It turned out that shortages and high prices have affected distant places around the world. In California, a stem of greens is now 250 percent higher than it was a year ago. In Australia prices are up 300 percent. The increase in costs is mainly due to bad weather that damaged the crop, but is also due to excessive demand.

The cause is the wild, newly discovered popularity of celery juice as a healthy tonic. Celery juice is on trend, with over 35,000 recent Instagram recommendations and 62 million Google results. The buzz can be attributed to Anthony William, the medical medium, who believes that 16 ounces of fresh celery juice should be consumed first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything else. He advises drinking the juice alone, without anything being mixed in. William has over a million Instagram followers, including stars like Allison Janey, Robert De Niro, Pharell, Naomi Campbell and Gwyneth Paltrow. These big celebrities helped get the message across.

Health Benefits of Celery Juice

According to William, celery juice reduces inflammation and can help with "Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME / CFS), Lyme disease, migraines, dizziness, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, acne, lupus, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sarcoid, Raynaud's syndrome, Ménière's disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gout, bursitis, flatulence, intestinal cramps, flatulence, residual acid reflux, dizziness – Leg syndrome, tingling sensation, numbness. "

But that's not all. William claims that the mineral salts in celery boost neurotransmitters in the brain and help alleviate mental and emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer's disease, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, and even psychotic conditions such as bipolar disorder. It also strengthens the immune system and kills bacteria. It also heals the digestive system.

"It's a wonder drug that is changing the shape of alternative medicine like never before," he says. Proponents point out that celery juice helped them lose weight.

Celery juice controversy

Not everyone agrees that celery juice is the miracle the medical medium claims to be. Experts like Dr. Lisa Young, professor of nutrition at New York University and registered nutritionist, insist the claims are exaggerated. "There's always a taste of the moment that people cling to. Celery is right now … There's no magic behind it. The science isn't there." Registered nutritionist Ashley Koff agrees. "There isn't one Food that cures cancer, inflammatory diseases, or other diseases. So don't believe the hype you see and hear on Instagram, "she says. And Keri Gans, also a nutritionist and author of The Small Change Diet, adds," The assumptions about what celery juice can do are driven by science Community not supported by solid evidence. "

The naysayers point out that celery is 95 percent water. They suggest that the main benefit of celery juice is that it is moisturizing. Getting hydrated first thing in the morning before you eat is beneficial on many levels, including the fact that it can decrease appetite – whether the hydration comes from water or celery juice. The gram of fiber per stem that celery provides is lost during juicing, leading many nutritionists to claim that it would be more beneficial to drink just water and then eat whole celery to get the fiber. Critics of celery juice point out that consuming the juice leads to a faster blood sugar response than consuming the intact vegetable. Also, juicing can destroy some of the beneficial flavonoids and phytochemicals.

The truth is that celery juice has not yet been extensively researched, which makes the medical establishment suspicious of claims about its benefits, especially when those claims are made by a health attorney like Medical Medium who has no medical credentials at all. Instead, William receives intuitive guidance on illness and healing. The fact that his health books averaged 4.5 stars with well over 10,000 reviews from users who believe his advice cured them doesn't affect the scientists or the testimonials of his over three million rabid fans on Facebook.

Verifiable research on celery juice

What is verifiable is that celery does contain some vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium, so that it is healthy enough. And there was a little supportive research. A rodent study in 2014 found that a flavonoid called apigenin, found in celery (as well as in parsley, chamomile, and several other sources) slowed the progression of gastritis and stomach cancer. A previous study showed that celery juice appeared to alleviate the negative effects of chemotherapy. Several studies at the University of Illinois found that celery contains a flavonoid called luteolin, which slows the growth of pancreatic cancer cells.

The most important human findings to date suggest that celery can have a positive effect on blood pressure. A 2014 study of 30 hypertensive patients published in the Natural Medicine Journal found that celery seed extract reduced blood pressure by up to 14 percent when taken for six weeks. The results are a little suspicious given that the leading researchers were the main players in the company that made the celery seed extract used in the research. (It's also probably worth noting that celery seed extract and celery juice are not the same thing and have very different properties.) However, the researchers reported that their blood pressure also decreased when subjects consumed whole celery, a subject stood out from 158/96 in just one week 118/82 after consuming a quarter pound of celery or about four stalks a day. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the antihypertensive effects are due to phytochemicals found in celery called pthalides. Pthalids relax the walls of the arteries. As the artery walls become more flexible, blood can flow more freely, which leads to decreased blood pressure.

Should you get on the celery trolley and start juicing? The bottom line is that it certainly can't hurt. At the very least, start your day hydrated and keep your blood pressure at healthier levels. Very quickly, you will see for yourself if it makes a difference while you wait for research to catch up. If you don't own a juicer or believe the nutritionists, you can just add more whole celery to your diet. Experts recommend one cup a day, chopped or four stems.

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