Consuming Bugs As a Supply of Protein

Whether you run or exercise, as you improve your fitness level, your body is likely to crave more protein. However, this does not necessarily mean that you need to consume more meat and dairy products. Many athletes choose alternative sources of protein (such as plant-based proteins) to meet their nutritional needs. Beetles have long been a pantry staple in many Eastern countries, and now insect eating is a fast growing trend in the West among those looking for environmentally friendly alternatives to animal protein.

Tip box:

Curious about how much protein to eat every day? Use our calculator find out.

Insect protein vs. Meat protein

Insects can be an even more efficient source of protein than animals. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that "insects have levels between 9.96 and 35.2 grams of protein per 100 grams, compared to 16.8 to 20.6 grams for meat".(1) However, protein density varies widely depending on what types of bugs are consumed. With over 2,100 types of edible insects, there are tons of options to choose from. Crickets, certain species of ants, and mealworms are the emerging stars of the insect protein movement, largely due to their calorie and protein density.

Tip box:

Meet an animal that loves insect protein – the pangolin! Pangolins are known to eat ants with their long, sticky tongues. They are also the most heavily trafficked animal in the world (around 2.7 million a year). Learn more about pangolins and how you can be part of 1 million athletes for 1 million endangered species from this post on Run Wild.

Environmental benefits of eating insects

Eating insects is a great alternative for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint. On average, the resources needed to raise and produce insects are significantly lower than those of animal-based meat. According to the Food and Agriculture OrganizationCrickets require six times less feed than cattle, four times less than sheep, and twice less than pigs and broilers to produce the same amount of protein. " They also produce significantly fewer greenhouse gases than animals, and less land is needed to raise them.

As the human population grows and we continue to monitor the effects of climate change, swapping your beef burger for a cricket burger could be another way that individuals can contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Getting started eating insects

But how do you start eating insect protein? We don't recommend that you collect a few species and start snacking during your next hike. However, with careful research, you will be amazed at the variety of flavors that bugs can offer. You'll find flies that taste like blue cheese, ants with lemon peel, and giant water bugs that taste like watermelon candy.(2) Here are some ways you can start incorporating insect protein into your diet.

In your baked goods

Cricket powder is one of the easiest sources of insect protein to incorporate into your diet, as it can be used like any protein powder you could add to a recipe. It's also not too difficult to find due to its increasing popularity. Use cricket powder to make bread, energy bars, and baked desserts that are high in protein. If you can't find insect meal near you, then you can give it a try make at home. Check out these delicious recipes You can try at home.

As a salty snack alternative to chips

Food-grade mealworms are also relatively easy to find online and in local markets dedicated to Eastern cuisine. To eat them, all you have to do is fry them in your favorite vegetable oil (use a slotted spoon for easy removal) and let them rest on a paper towel. Add some salt and pepper to taste and you have a salty snack high in amino acids, protein, and fiber.

On your pasta dishes

Fried crickets are an excellent addition to a wide variety of dishes. You can fry them using the same method you did with the mealworms and add them to a risotto for a bit more texture and protein. They're also commonly used as a taco topping, or even an appetizer dipped in a side of guacamole.


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