Dream About Death? An Energy Healer Explains What It Could Mean
When we process many emotions at the same time – fear, sadness, loss, frustration, desire, longing, etc. – our dreams often turn into giant mash-up scenarios. They don't make a lot of logical sense. One minute, it's the 1980s and you're wearing the pants you bought online last week. In the next minute, your ex from five years ago is there and all of a sudden you see your dying case.
When timelines are mixed, past and present people are placed side by side and you cannot put the dream in a logical order, this is your psyche processing your waking life. This is the one for the analyst's couch or the dream books. Your message is always personal and only clear after a lot of inner reflection. If you die in this type of dream it is likely that it is pure fear of change or loss.
If you dream about someone you would like to die in a similarly random way, the same criteria apply. If the story is tangled, and the steps are confused in time and space – and especially if you instantly wake up emotional and confused – this is not a predictive dream. You may just be afraid of literally or emotionally losing that person.
(I believe some very intuitive people can have forward-looking dreams, but these tend to be very factual, detailed, and neat. You wake up with a clear, concise, flowing story and don't feel emotionally about it.)
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