Encompassing Love
When time itself changes, so do our possibilities for love and beauty.
In order to capture the beautiful moment, we invite love to daily actions and everyday routines. We all live on the gentle pleasure and warmth of love, so it makes perfect sense to include more of it in our day. And yet it's not always that easy, is it?
Daily memories are wonderful and we need to incorporate love. Completely. Quiet. Gently. In the little moments and in our thoughts – while we do the dishes, take out the rubbish and take care of our house and its residents – which includes us. We are the experience of love. In all its glory and all its failure, we try to measure ourselves against an ideal that doesn't exist. What never existed other than in our minds.
To capture beauty is to vibrate love. Because there is no lack of beauty – just presence and perhaps a touch of amazement. The natural harmony that creates the expression of beauty enables beauty to be received as our senses calm down and expand to allow connection. In this exchange we experience love: the invisible yet powerful reminder that we are important too.
In order to make the beautiful moment possible, we practice receiving it. Inhale it while we pause to inhale the pleasure. A “beauty list” of moments, ideas, thoughts and experiences that touch us in a meaningful way – this is a powerful way to capture a higher vibration in everyday life. Revisiting this list, as we add to it, increases the appreciation. Time connecting with nature, a work of art, appreciation for someone else's love work, but this is what it looks like – all of these are invitations to a fuller day that creates an enhanced vision. A softening of the heart. So we can breathe.
When we see beauty before pain and opportunity before challenge, we enable movement of a different kind: in our homes, in our lives, and in our hearts. Also in our relationships. We create new inner pathways that emerge from the act of testimony as we seek the opportunity to experience the sensory bliss that comes with a moment of beauty. And in troubled times it becomes a comfort to return to and awaken our spirits to. Like a favorite piece of music, a favorite song or a resonance poem, we reconnect with our essence and higher presence. We settle in when we return home. Because we embrace love.
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Delilah Sullivan – spiritual teacher, writer and land energy healer – is passionate about life, connection and beauty. Delilah has a diverse background and shares jewels of knowledge: about personal energy management, creativity, maintaining a sound presence, life experiences and our connection with one another, nature and the emerging “overall picture”.
She is the writer of "A Sense of Beauty" on weekdays, channeler of the popular podcast "Downloads from Spirit" and a private consultant. She supports her customers in coordinating their projects, land and energy plans, opportunities and wishes and exchanging unique insights and knowledge. Find them in nature or in the city – for fascinating perspectives and conversations.
Follow her on Instagram and her website.
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