Everything You Need To Know, According To Science

But when it comes to tannins, it's not all good news. Tannins also act as anti-nutrients, which means that they block and interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. In this case, iron is a big one.

If you are iron deficient, your doctor may have recommended that you either not drink tea or only drink it between meals rather than with an iron-rich meal. You can also reduce potential negative effects by adding milk to your tea. The tannins bind to the milk protein instead of the proteins in your gut, preventing them from interfering with iron absorption. Eating foods rich in vitamin C like peppers, potatoes, melon, and / or oranges right before or after drinking your tea can also neutralize the tannins.

According to a July 2014 report in the International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, tannins can also block the digestion and absorption of proteins by either inhibiting the enzymes you need to break them down or by rendering the protein bioavailable.

And since tannins interfere with the proper functioning of enzymes, it can affect your digestion as a whole. With that in mind, Nour Zibdeh, M.S., RDN, a functional and inclusive nutritionist and nutritionist, also points out that tannins can clog you if you are sensitive to tannins. Excessive consumption of tannins can also lead to upset stomach and nausea.

However, researchers on a January 2017 study published in Current Developments in Nutrition wanted to make it clear that most studies showing a negative effect of tannins, especially when it comes to iron absorption, are using amounts you would not be consuming more average Tea consumption.

For example, a 5-ounce cup of tea typically contains about 25 to 80 mg of tannins. That said, even if you were to drink three cups of tea a day, you would only be consuming 75 to 240 mg of tannins. Most studies have exceeded this amount, some with up to 1,000 mg of tannin.

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