Feeling Stuck? 10 Infallible Tricks to Gain Clarity in Any Situation
It seems that the darkest clouds are behind us now. We could still feel the consequences in our bodies and minds if we did not have the usual energy levels that we would naturally have in every other year at this time. It is important that we can organize our time, resources, and activities according to the energy available. When the tank is half empty we can't expect to continue as if we were all full.
One of the most powerful exercises we can do is prioritization. As we recognize that we are living extraordinary and unprecedented times, our priorities should reflect them too. We can't just go on because nothing happened.
This month we invite you to reflect on the current workload at home, at work, personally and professionally. What is fundamental, what is urgent, what is a priority? Of all of these, what instrumental measures support your vision, the change you are driving, your goals?
And you could say I don't even have time for it. I don't know what my goals are. I am no longer sure where I am going. For these specific reasons, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite ways of creating clarity. When our brains are foggy, when we feel tired, when we don't know where we are going, we need to reconnect to our internal GPS and find clarity and direction of travel. With clarity, we can prioritize, organize and manage our time and resources more effectively and sustainably.
Here are my favorite tricks to get more clarity:
Create harmonious spaces
The mind works better when the environment around you is organized, as it has to process everything that is beyond its field of vision. When the living or work environment is crowded and cluttered, the brain may feel foggy. It's harder to work effectively. Clearing up clutter every now and then is a great way to create clarity.
Identify your priorities and then set goals accordingly
When we are clear about what we are doing and why we are doing it, we feel more aligned, fulfilled, and grounded. When we walk around like headless chickens with no focus or sense of direction, we become unproductive and prone to stress and burnout. Organize the priorities for the week, distinguishing between urgent, important and non-urgent priorities by setting times for both personal and professional aspects.
One after the other
Despite his general praise, multitasking decreases our focus and productivity. If instead we tackle one thing at a time and focus our undivided attention on it, we can get the job done faster and more efficiently. There will be times when we have to juggle, but let's not let this become the norm. We can apply this to our home too: instead of watching TV while surfing on our phones, pick one and get all of your attention. This is mindfulness for you!
Eliminate distractions
You may be so used to the beeps and ringtones on your phone and the flashing messages on your computer screen that you don't realize how distracting they are. It can take up to 15 minutes or more for even a small distraction to recover. The best thing to do is turn off notifications. If you can't resist pulling your devices, turn them off when you're doing other work. It is really liberating! Turn off your phone at least 1 hour before bed for a good night's sleep.
This is an important one. We can all relate to using caffeine or stimulants like sugar to boost our energy levels and get us out of the zombie zone and come back to life. As well as these tricks can be used from time to time, they are highly addictive and our brains cannot function optimally when under their influence, leading to long-term imbalances in our brain and body. Do you try green juices, smoothies or boost your energy with a few star jumps, push-ups or dance to your favorite song?
You also increase your "happiness hormones", which makes you feel even better! And not just in physical form, but also in terms of the quality (and hours) of our sleep, how often do we take breaks throughout the day, do we feed the mental, physical and emotional? How can we feed ourselves daily?
Discover silence and silence
Take a few minutes to calm down or meditate. See how it feels when you don't hear any noise, when you can only hear your own heartbeat and breath. Even if it's just a minute or a few, it helps our brain to give this "processing" or "break" time to relax and calm down
Process what's going on inside you
Expressing our thoughts and feelings is a great way to process, make sense of, and organize what is going on within us. Whether you want to write it down and "transfer" it from head to paper for you to read and think about later. The same applies to a conversation with a colleague, family member, friend or coach.
We don't know what we haven't tried. We may have a bias or interest, but by the time we put it into practice and try it out, we may be missing something interesting. When we learn through experience and experimentation, we can test our own limits and habits.
Listen to our thoughts
As soon as we think, "I could never do this" or "I could never do without this," explore what is behind us. Is that based on a fact? Or is it fear, Cheat Syndrome, or some other internal narrative that is blocking your way forward? These are extraordinary pointers to remove the clarity.
Shake off dirt and noise
When we feel stuck, get up and move, walk, run, move that energy away to return to your "focused" self. Put down everything you need, sleep on it, and come back a few hours later or even in a day or two. Visit us again where you've got stuck with a fresher perspective. If you go for a walk and move around, which may be blocking us, the clarity can flow instead.
Give it a try and let me know how you get along.
With love and kindness.
Monica x
P.S. Discover my new series Coaching 123, in which we cover all coaching topics weekly – check out all available episodes here in our COACHING LAB
Monica discovered yoga and mindfulness two decades ago as she developed her career in a results-oriented and demanding corporate environment. They brought a feeling of freedom, inner peace and tranquility that has accompanied them ever since. She combines different types of yoga and somatically inspired movements (Vinyasa, Slow Flow, Yin, Restorative and Nidra) with sound therapy, coaching and energy healing to create profound transformative experiences.
Her style is playful, creative and curious and creates her unique "Holistic Wellbeing" offer, which combines cognitive, emotional and experience-related framework conditions in order to enable the individual to embody his authentic and resilient self. She lives in London and works as a teacher, retreat and workshop facilitator at home and abroad.
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