Finest Methods To Increase Metabolism

Boosting your metabolism is an integral part of any weight watcher's fight! Some people have a genetically fast metabolism, I hate them all, LOLz;). In general, men have a higher metabolism than women and they tend to burn more calories than women. Metabolism is determined by genetics, gender, and age. We can't control any of these factors, but there are some of the best ways to get your metabolism going. Let's find out –

Best ways to boost your metabolism

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Increase your training intensity

The key to having a high metabolism is pushing yourself. High-intensity training ensures a greater and longer increase in metabolism than regular training. Please read about HIIT here and here to learn more about intense workouts.

Don't cut down on your calories

If you cut out too many calories, your brain thinks you are starving and goes into preservation mode. This leads to a sharp drop in metabolism. The trick to losing weight is to eat enough to match your resting metabolism.

Make water your best friend

The body needs water to process calories. People who drink 8 or more than 8 glasses of water burn more calories than people who drink less than 8 glasses of water. Even if you are slightly dehydrated, your metabolism can slow down.

Continue grazing

Eat small and frequent meals to keep your metabolism high. Don't cut your snacks, keep grazing on healthy snacks like nuts. When you eat large meals with a long hour break, your metabolism slows down between meals.

Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids help increase metabolism as they balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation. Those who love fish will never be deficient in omega-3 :). Read about omega-3 fatty acids here.

Spice in life 😉

Spices like red peppers contain chemical compounds that can speed up your metabolism. The list of foods that will help you lose weight can be found here.

Say hello to tea / coffee

Tiny winy caffeine boosts your metabolism by stimulating your central nervous system. Make sure you don't overdo tea or coffee. Too much coffee can cause stomach problems, trouble sleeping and an irregular heartbeat.

Bye trans fat

Trans fats also slow down your body's ability to burn fat. They cause insulin resistance, which leads to weight gain. These harm your body in all ways.

Adopt organic

Fruits, vegetables, and grains with pesticides slow down your fat burning process. Our bodies are not designed to digest chemicals and toxins. Accept organic or local fruits and vegetables as much as possible.

Stay tuned for more ways to boost your metabolism!


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