Five foods found in kitchen for a glowing skin during weight loss journey

Five foods found in kitchen for a glowing skin during weight loss journey

My personal experience says that whenever you try to lose weight fast, the first thing that gets negatively affected is your skin. My each effort gets affected because of skin getting dried and saggy due to controlled diet. So after a lot of experience I have short listed five daily foods found in kitchen for a glowing skin during weight loss journey.

As they say that face is the real mirror of your inner health and shows what you eat. If you are a healthy eater then your glowing skin will tell it all while if you are not, the skin will look dull. I have seen most of the dieters getting black spots or acne regularly. The reason might be anything from stress to hormonal fluctuation or more but making a conscious effort to take a look at what you are eating on a daily basis can help. Here is a list of simple things that if included in daily diet along with exercises can be wonderful for a good skin. These simple daily foods found in every kitchen can be added in every diet plan for a glowing skin especially during the weight loss journey. The end result would be a clear and healthy skin. Imagine the joy that you will get finding the great smooth texture of skin without any occurrence of acnes and black or white spots- Awesome, right! So let us take a look on these awesome daily foods found in kitchen for a glowing skin during weight loss journey.

Top five foods for clear and glowing skin

Five foods found in kitchen for a glowing skin during weight loss journeyFive foods found in kitchen for a glowing skin during weight loss journey Photo by NEOSiAM

1. Nuts

If you are going nuts seeing those ugly acnes that means you need to add more nuts in your diet. That acne could be due to the deficiency of zinc and selenium. That means to add a few nuts like almonds, pumpkin seeds and brazil nuts to your daily diet can help as they are a store house of these minerals. Minerals like selenium, calcium, manganese, vitamin E etc are the most essential minerals for a clear, scarless and healthy skin are found in nuts. To know about the benefits, read here.

2. Legumes

If your skin needs some real healing, it needs to get extra proteins. For healthy skin cells, it is important to add foods full of proteins. Well, that means, add lentils, beans, and peas in your diet. These foods are full of protein, vitamins and minerals. These help in digestion and detoxification resulting in a bright and clearer skin.

3. Beetroot

Who doesn’t know about this purple root vegetable which is high in Vitamin A, potassium, sodium, Vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and a store house of good health and healing capacities. All these nutrients found in beetroot help flush toxins, lower cholesterol and have a healthy clean skin. Read the benefits of beetroot here.

4. Tomatoes

I love those tangy red tomatoes… don’t you? We all know that Vitamin C is important to keep our skin firm and it aids collagen production. Not only that, lycopene stimulates blood circulation and gives bright red color to get those shiny rosy cheeks. And how easy to get it all by adding a few red ripe tomatoes to your diet in the form of salad. Read more about the health benefits of tomatoes here.

5. Cottage Cheese

Aah! I love fresh paneer or cottage cheese, do you? You need to add raw cottage cheese or paneer without adding them to vegetables like broccoli or spinach. One serving of paneer can go a long way to gain a clear and healthy skin. Cottage cheese is packed with selenium, protein, and clear skin boosting nutrients. If you wish to know more about it, read here…

Brownie points for these too

These were the five simple food items that are available in every household all over the world but in addition to those there are a few more which must be added to gain some extra brownie points…

  • Green tea which is full of antioxidants and polyphenol that help in flushing out toxins from our body and helps in improving skin health.
  • Who can forget to think of clear skin without giving a thought to your water consumption. Do you drink 10-12 glasses of water to flush out toxins, along with regulating fluid levels.

So if you are finding it difficult to cope with stress which is bad for a clear and glowing skin and hair as well. Read the benefits here….

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