Five Foods To Boost Your Immune System If You Are Living With A Terminal Illness

Patients with terminal illness usually take a hit on their immune systems, generally because the treatment and medication can deplete white blood cells, weakening the body's ability to protect itself.

In conjunction with the well-researched immune boosters such as adequate sleep and methods for reducing stress, you will strengthen your immune system through a nutrient-rich, naturally balanced diet.

For example, low-carbohydrate foods are highly recommended for those with type 2 diabetes for managing blood sugar, especially if it is an insulin injection.

This post describes the types of foods you should be consuming to boost your immunity when living with an incurable disease.

1. Oily seafood

Fish like sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon, and herring are high in omega-3 oils, high in protein, and low in saturated fats, which are essential for a healthy heart, thereby reducing cardiovascular disease.

Although omega-3s may have little or no direct impact on type 2 diabetes, they can still have significant benefits in improving the function of immune cells for a better immune system.

In addition, a component in omega-3 oils called EPA is effective in improving white blood cell activities, thereby boosting the benefits of the immune system. Studies have shown that this effect has a significant impact and can occur relatively quickly, precisely within a week.

In addition, fatty seafood appears to lower inflammation rates, thereby improving blood vessel functions and reducing triglycerides. When cooked without sauces, fatty seafood is low in carbohydrates, ideal for some chronic conditions like diabetes.

For example, a 5-ounce serving of salmon without sauce contains only 5 grams of carbohydrates.

2. Chicken peas.

Proteins are known to boost the immune system in the same way as important immune-boosting micronutrients like zinc, iron, vitamins A, D, E, and selenium.

With this in mind, as a person with an incurable disease, you need to consider adding a humble chickpea. This is a vegetable source of protein that is known to be high in zinc minerals.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, half a cup contains approximately 9% of the required daily value.

Zinc is essential for the functioning of white blood cells, which are vital to warding off disease. In addition, zinc is a boon to your heart health, preventing your risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, it is helpful for diabetics because high blood sugar can have a negative impact on your heart if left on for a long period of time.

Although it's high in carbohydrates, chickpeas are an excellent source of fiber. Strictly speaking, it provides about 26% or 6.55 g of the daily value per cup. Eating a high-fiber diet is linked to healthier weights and improved insulin sensitivity.

3. Carrots.

Vitamin A supports our immune system through various cellular processes and one of its main sources is carrot. It contains beta-carotene, which is high in vitamin A. In addition, it has a low glycemic content, which means it is unlikely to cause sugar spikes in people with diabetes.

Typically, internal diseases can cause eye damage, leading to impaired vision and other risky problems like glaucoma and cataracts. Fortunately, carrots contain essential elements for eye health, an important factor for people with incurable diseases.

4. Walnuts.

This is another plant source of vitamin E – a great antioxidant that also helps boost the immune system and regenerate the cells in our bodies.

This is important because a person faced with an end-of-life disease will need new and strong cells to replace those who are depleted from the particular disease and its treatments.

Walnuts are low in carbohydrates and therefore have a negligible impact on glucose levels. It's also a great source of omega-3 oils that we've learned to reduce inflammation in patients with terminal illness.

Since patients with internal disorders usually experience poor appetite due to changes in metabolic processes and reduced body activities, walnuts are ideal for them as they activate a part of the brain that is involved in impulse control and appetite.

5. Red peppers.

Since patients with internal diseases should avoid excess sugar from fruits as well, red pepper is a perfect alternative for this. It contains vitamin C, which is vital for strengthening our immune system and eliminating free radicals that damage the body's cells.

In addition, because of its involvement in collagen formation, red pepper is important for wound healing and skin health. Note that skin problems and sores are some of the most common problems associated with an incurable disease.


People with terminal illnesses often experience symptoms that reduce their appetite, such as pain and nausea. The disease can also affect their taste buds, making food taste sour, bland, or salty.

It is recommended not to force them to eat, but rather to give them food piece by piece when they feel like eating. Fatty seafood, chickpeas, carrots, and walnuts are some of the best foods to eat.

However, due to the underlying factors of patients with terminal illness, their diet should not be restricted. They should eat what they want when they feel like eating.

About the author:

Beryl Miller is a freelance content writer eager to share her ideas on health, wellness, and fitness topics. She has written and ghostwrites for major health magazines and publications. When she's not reading about general health, she's surfing or skateboarding

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