Five Reasons For Weight Loss Failure

Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

Reasons for Weight Loss Failure "width =" 580 "height =" 347Common Reasons for Weight Loss Failure Deliberately Ignored Reasons for Weight Loss Failure Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

Yesterday I went to the hospital for my long overdue regular check-up. Every time I check my weight for recordings, I get stressed and demotivated because the scale shows either the same number or an increased number each time. I really wonder where am I doing wrong? So I discussed this with my endocrinologist and he made it clear to me Reasons for Weight Loss Failure despite healthy exercise and nutrition.

For the uninitiated, I have two major health problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Thyrotoxicosis. Interestingly, both are autoimmune diseases. Thirty-eight years ago I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism when I was seventeen and RA twenty years ago when I was 35. In my 55 year life journey, I have tried many times to lose weight, but only succeeded once in 2011. That was when I read a book by Kalli Puri, Confessions of a Series Diet, and decided to take the Atkins Diet. Try diet. Yes it worked and I was so overwhelmed that I lost 7 kg in a week. I literally cried when I saw the scales that day. I was highly motivated to see the scale victory daily that I thought I could follow this keto diet all my life and always stay lean. Oh boy! how naive I was to think like that when I realized in 2016 that over the years I was back to my starting weight. I've been to garbage dumps. Since then I had never been able to lose weight because I had lost all motivation.

When I told the doctor about my weight loss journey, he explained the most common ones to me Reasons for Weight Loss Failure which made sense to me. Today I thought of sharing my experience with you because I thought that there might be many women, like me, who struggle and don't see the scales move.

Common reasons for failure to lose weight are deliberately ignored

  1. Medical reasons

  2. Wrong food selection

  3. Inaccurate calorie calculation

  4. Eating too often or less

  5. Focus on victory of scale

Anyone who suffers like me needs to self-analyze, taking into account the above five reasons. Believe me, I did the same and understood mine Reasons for Weight Loss Failure. If you don't understand what the doctor pointed out, read on as it will make it easier for you to understand.

  1. Medical reasons

You may have one of the many medical reasons that made it difficult for you to lose weight.

  • Inflammation that can be caused by diet or environmental factors such as medications, smoking, air pollution, and foods such as dairy products, sugar, and wheat. If left untreated, inflammation can cause cell damage that affects normal body function. Inflammation and cell damage have been observed as one of the causes of weight loss.
  • Hypothyroidism causes weight gain due to the slow functioning of the thyroid gland, causing weight control efforts to fail.
  • Stress leads to binge eating without thinking carefully about your health. If you are under a lot of stress, you will be doing a lot of comfort food which will soon show up on the scales.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS / PCOD) is a very common modern day health problem that can lead to inexplicable weight gain making it difficult for young women.
  • Hormonal changes such as puberty or menopause can cause women to gain weight, especially in the middle part of the body.

As far as I'm concerned my doctor ruled out a thyroid as the reason for my weight gain as the reports showed a mild tsh problem, but yes I know my belly fat was never there and I put on weight all the layers on my lower abdomen after using it forty years ago I started early menopause.

2. Wrong food choices

After doing a lot of introspection, I realized I wasn't making the right food choices. Since I like sweets so much, I accidentally chose cereal as my favorite breakfast. Nowadays, as it is mango season, I resort to mangoes. So I knew I had to make conscious efforts to reduce sugar in all forms.

3. Inaccurate calorie calculations

This is one of the most difficult tasks. No matter how carefully calories are calculated, it is impossible to make the correct calculations. The calories of a medium-sized apple depend on the right type of medium-sized apple. I belong to Himachal Pradesh and I know that the normal medium sized apple from Himachal is large in the other parts of the country. How many of us are ready to weigh each bite and eat the right amount of calories?

4. Eat too often or less

I usually start eating around 12.30 p.m. and stop at 8 p.m. at most. Most days I eat one meal a day, which makes a huge difference in my calorie count. When I eat my regular three meals and two snacks, I feel like I am consuming too many calories. I don't know about you, but I have to work on it and go for really small portions.

5. Focus on winning the scale

That's a reason I understand and identify with. Most people on a weight loss or health journey focus on the scales. We have a specific goal in mind and strive to achieve it, but at what cost? We eat less, exercise more, feel weak, cheat on meals, overeat, become stressed and deteriorate our health. Do you also go through this cycle?

I realized that I have to pay attention-

  • eat small portions,
  • more fibrous food, that means cucumbers and vegetables,
  • eat a small sugar-free breakfast, i.e. no bread, muesli, cornflakes,
  • Stop focusing on the number on the scale to avoid stress,
  • eat healthy instead of losing weight,
  • and take seriously my doctor's advice to have regular medication checkups.

Let me know if you have any others Reasons for Weight Loss Failure in mind?

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