Foil Packet Cheesy Sausage and Peppers

Foil Packet Cheesy Sausage and Peppers are so easy to make on the grill when you're camping, on vacation, or just looking for a simple dinner with even easier cleaning!

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Foil package cheese sausage and peppers

We love sausage and peppers in my house, and these foil packages add a flavorful touch with marinara and cheese. I used arrabbiata sauce for a flavorful kick, which I highly recommend, but regular marinara will also work if you prefer milder foods. Tommy gave these packages two thumbs up! For more sausage and paprika recipes, try these one pan fried potatoes, sausage and paprika and pasta with Italian chicken sausage, paprika and escarole.

Foil package sausage and peppers

Foil packet dinners are so easy to use during the week cooking or camping. I partnered with Reynolds Wrap to make these foil packages using their Reynolds Wrap® nonstick film. Nonstick wrap is perfect for cooking cheesy or sticky foods as it doesn't stick and makes tidying up a breeze so you can spend more time with family. They even recently freshened up the packaging (look out for the yellow color in the grocery store for non-stick coating) and added a simple open and close tab to keep the box completely closed in the drawer.

To make this easy dinner, I put the onions and peppers in the foil sachets with a little marinara sauce and let them cook until soft on the grill. When you're done, put the sausage on the grill and cook, then cut it into slices and place in the foil pack with the onions and peppers. Put the cheese in the opened packet and let it melt for a few minutes. It comes out cheeky and cheesy and so tasty!

How can I tell which side of the non-stick film to use?

The non-stick side has a matte or flat surface. To indicate which side is non-stick coated, the label "NON-STICK Side" is printed on the Reynolds Wrap® non-stick film. So use this page for this recipe or anything that makes you cheesy and sticky.

How to create a slide package

  • Tear off an 18 inch sheet of foil.
  • Center the food on the foil sheet with the blunt side up.
  • Bring up the long sides of the foil so the ends meet over the food.
  • Fold the ends in double, leaving room for heat to circulate inside.
  • Double fold the two short ends to seal the package.
  • Bake or grill according to the instructions.
  • Note: Be very careful when handling as the package will get extremely hot. Please use gloves or tongs to push packets from the grill onto a plate or tray.

What to serve with sausage and peppers

You can eat these Italian sausage foil packs straight or serve with some crusty bread and a salad. They would also be great served on a hoagie bun to make a sandwich.


  • Swap Italian chicken sausage for turkey sausage. Or make it hot and use flavorful sausage if you like.
  • Use any color of bell peppers you prefer or a mix for a more colorful dish.
  • If you don't have a grill, bake the peppers and onions in the foil wrap in the oven at 400 degrees and then fry the sausage.

Foil package dinner

Foil package dinner on the grill

More foil pack recipes you'll love:

Foil package cheese sausage and peppers

223 Calories
18.5 protein
12.5 carbohydrates
11.5 Fats

Preparation time: 5 Minutes

Cooking time: 40 Minutes

Total time: 45 Minutes

Foil Packet Cheesy Sausage and Peppers are so easy to make on the grill when you're camping, on vacation, or just looking for a simple dinner with even easier cleaning!

  • Reynolds Wrap® non-stick film
  • 4th sweet or spicy Italian chicken sausage links, about 2 3/4 ounces each
  • 2 medium-sized onions, cut into 1/4 inch strips
  • 2 Red pepper, cut into 1/4 inch strips
  • 1/2 tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil
  • 3/4 Cup Marinara sauce, (I like hot arrabbiata sauce)
  • 1/2 Cup partially skimmed grated mozzarella
  • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • fresh black pepper, taste
  • Crusty bread, optional for serving
  • Preheat the grill on one half on high heat and on the other on medium.

  • In a large bowl, mix the onions, pepper, olive oil, salt and pepper together.

Manufacture foil packages:

  • Tear off 4 12 x 18 inch sheets of Reynolds Wrap® nonstick wrap.

  • Spread the onions and peppers with the blunt side up on 4 pieces of aluminum foil. Top with 3 tbsp marinara.

  • Bring up the long sides of the foil so the ends meet over the food.

  • Fold the ends in double, leaving room for heat to circulate inside. Double-fold the two short ends to seal the package tightly to prevent steam from escaping.

  • Place the foil packages on the side of the grill over medium-low heat. Cook until the vegetables are tender, about 25 minutes.

  • When you're done, set the sausage aside and add the sausage to the medium to low side. At this point you can turn off the high side of the grill.

  • Cook the sausage for 6 to 8 minutes, turning it often until it is through in the middle and placing it on a cutting board.

  • Open the foil packet, cut the sausage into slices and add to the foil packet, cover each with 2 tablespoons of cheese and hold open.

  • Cover the grill and let rest for about 5 minutes until the cheese melts. Serve with bread as desired.

Portion: 1Foil package, Calories: 223kcal, Carbohydrates: 12.5G, Protein: 18.5G, Fat: 11.5G, Saturated fatty acids: 3G, Cholesterol: 67.5mg, Sodium: 886.5mg, Fiber: 3G, Sugar: 5.5G

Blue Smart Points: 5

Green smart points: 5

Purple Smart Points: 5

Keywords: Foil package dinner, foil package for the grill, foil package for camping

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Reynolds. Thank you for supporting the brands that make . possible. All thoughts are my own.

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