Free Diet Tips In India ;Diabetes Diet Plan

Free Diet Tips in India

Diabetes Diet Plan

Hello everybody,

How are your winters going? I love winters for that warm quilt, walks on a sunny day and of course so many treats on a platter during Lohri and Makar Sankranti. Although I shudder at the thought of someone with diabetes being offered all of these sugar-filled snacks, I thought about offering them Free nutrition tips in India along with a free diabetes diet plan.

Diabetes is the most common disease in Indians. It is a common lifestyle disorder that leads to different types of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here I share one Diabetes Diet with Free Nutrition Tips for Indians.

Let's talk about the fact that the environment around us is one of the main reasons for the development of diabetes. Please check this link here… Diabetes is related to the hormone insulin, which is the main cause among many causes for the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Other causes are varied such as obesity, poor eating habits, lack of exercise; Although I have seen my own mother, who has always been a fan of an active lifestyle and believed in a wonderfully healthy lifestyle, she is also diabetic due to genetic effects. However, we do know that type 1 diabetes is caused by decreased insulin production in the body, known as juvenile diabetes. Then there's type 2 diabetes, which is caused by cells not responding to insulin. This is called adult diabetes. If you want to learn more about insulin, read here…

By the way, there is a third type of diabetes that many women face during pregnancy. It is known as gestational diabetes. This form of diabetes is accompanied by the hormonal influence of high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. After delivery, this goes back to normal.

The good news is that type 2 diabetes can be prevented and controlled with a good diet and lifestyle. So today I will base my post on different ones Free nutrition tips in India along with a great free diabetes diet plan.

Free nutrition tips in India

To control diabetes we need to control blood sugar levels, which can be easily achieved with the right amount and quality of food.

The glycemic index of the food to be consumed by a diabetic plays a very important role. A food with a high glycemic index will raise the diabetic's blood sugar level just as quickly as after eating white sugar, maida, white rice, fruit juices, root vegetables such as potatoes, sweets and bread. Since these are foods that are digested quickly and absorbed quickly, they in turn raise blood sugar. On the contrary, low GI foods help in the slow release of sugar in the blood, leading to a better insulin response. Examples of such low GI foods are wheat rotis, multigrain bread, ragi, oatmeal, buckwheat, walnuts, legumes, whole fruits like apples, leafy greens, chicken, eggs, etc.

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Low GI foods high in fiber help control diabetes to lower blood sugar levels.

Here is a example diet that diabetics can follow.

1 teaspoon of methi seeds with 2 glasses of lukewarm water

  • After half an hour you can have breakfast, which …
    • Stuffed hash browns
    • Poha
    • Vegetable Oops
    • oats and milk
    • Ragi porridge
    • vegetable oats dosa
    • Methi thepla
    • Vegetable or egg omelet
    • a glass of milk and a whole fruit
  • Having lunch:
    • 2 ragi / wholemeal rotis with
    • 1 small cup of dal/
    • Cottage cheese/buttermilk +
    • green vegetables+
    • fresh salad without creamy dressings
  • evening snack:
    • Tea preferably without or with ½ tsp brown sugar
    • wholemeal bread vegetable sandwich without potatoes/
    • Bhel with onion tomatoes/
    • clear vegetable soup/
    • 2 digestive biscuits/
    • Green tea/coffee
    • black coffee
  • Early Dinner:
    • 2 small Ragi Rotis+
    • grilled paneer/chicken/fish/
    • dal/
    • Tadka Quark+
    • leafy greens +
    • fresh green salad
  • bedtime:
    • 1 cup of warm milk without or with a pinch of turmeric.

Drink plenty of water and exercise every day and follow a healthy diet to control diabetes.

Remember that diabetes is just a disease, but it certainly won't be the end of your world. All you have to do is pay attention to your diet and exercise. It can be managed easily.

(PS: We have provided a sample diet and individual answers may vary. Use your own discretion is recommended.)

If you eat healthy, you will be healthy, which is the key to a good life without diabetes. We hope this Free nutrition tips in India having a free diabetes diet plan will prove to be good for all diabetics around you.

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