Healthy Home Made Amla Jam Recipe

Healthy Homemade Amla Jam Recipe

Hello everyone!!

I've shared amla health benefits here on IWB so you already know how healthy Indian gooseberry is for our health! Read here.

Today I'm here to share a quick and tasty recipe of amla jam. There were a few amlas in the fridge and the experimenting self came up with this recipe 🙂

Ingredients for a healthy homemade amla jam recipe

  1. Amla – 7 to 8 nos
  2. Sugar – 2 cups
  3. Cardamom pods – 2 pieces
  4. Cinnamon sticks – 2 pieces (1 inch long)
  5. Salt – 1/2 teaspoon

Procedure for a Healthy Homemade Amla Jam Recipe

  1. Wash the amlas. Cut them into pieces and remove the seeds.
  2. Grind in a blender (not too fine). Add some water to make it easy to grind.
  3. Turn on the flame in a pan and add the ground amla and 2 cups of sugar along with the 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
  4. Add cardamom pods and cinnamon sticks.
  5. Mix all ingredients well.
  6. Let the contents cook well. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  7. Turn off the flame when the amla mixture starts to shine and has a jam-like consistency

Healthy Homemade Amla Jam Recipe (1)

Voila! Your amla jam is ready. See, it's so easy and quick.

You can have it with paranthas and toasts. I just enjoy it as a starter before dinner. A spoonful of it will satisfy your sweet cravings too.

Healthy Homemade Amla Jam Recipe (2)

As for the shelf life, it can be low as I didn't add any preservatives. You can keep it refrigerated for almost ten days. It's amla season so you can always make small batches of it.

The sugar content is a bit high, but the goodness of amlas outweighs the cons of sugar 🙂

Try it out and let me know how it tastes 🙂. So enjoy the Amla jam and stay healthy.

Previous articleHow To Prevent Belly Obesity

Vinita writes very passionately about health and wellbeing. She was referred to as a skeleton at school, but managed to gain 17 kg during her graduation. Still looking for her ideal weight!

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