How to break weight loss plateau ( 10 Tips to move the Stuck Weight Loss )

How To Break Weight Loss Plateau? Weight loss is a difficult journey with many ups and downs. We have days when we feel very motivated and ready for that extra workout, and then there are days when we feel bad and all of the hard work seems to be in vain as the scales may stop moving. Here are 10 tips to get you started on the deadlocked weight loss

The Weight Loss Journey:

Fixed weight can last a day or months, but what should be will always find its way. Speaking of weight loss and transformations, it takes 4 weeks for you to feel the change in your body. The family will notice after 8 weeks and the world after 12 weeks. Weight loss is a journey with no short cuts. This trip will have many bumps and stumbling blocks. You just have to be patient.

When embarking on a weight loss journey, you'll see good results in the first few weeks, while later the scales will only stop at a certain number. This is a weight loss plateau. Now you may be wondering how to break the weight loss plateau? This practically happens to everyone at some point. The weight loss plateau is part of the weight loss journey. Read on to see 10 tips for postponing stuck weight loss. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

What is a Weight Loss Plateau?

The body is a beautiful creation of nature. It is extremely intelligent and adaptable, but it demands stability. Once you start losing weight, the body gets used to the low calorie diet. Initially, drastic diet changes result in fabulous weight loss. With fewer calories, the body begins to burn its stores of fuel. So you go into a negative energy balance and lose weight. But over time the body gets used to it. And at some point, your caloric intake will balance with your caloric production and you will hit a weight loss plateau.

First of all, you lose water. Then later there is muscle loss, followed by fat loss. As the body gets used to fewer calories, the body's metabolism slows down, resulting in a weight loss plateau.

How To Break The Weight Loss Plateau (10 Tips To Move The Stuck Weight Loss)

How to Break Weight Loss Plateau

The answer lies in just one word. Experiment! Change your calorie intake. Change your training pattern and timing. Diet composition can also be played around with. The basic secret is to keep your body out of this comfort zone. Go ahead and have an ever changing routine that will surprise your body. Some diet patterns that have really helped break the weight loss plateau and are known worldwide are:

10 tips to postpone stuck weight loss

  • Check with the calories and the amount of food consumed:

Ask your nutritionist if your caloric intake is adequate. There may be a mistake in measuring the ingredients or there may be faulty measuring cups or bowls. Use the standard cup size and digital scale until you are sure of the quantities you are consuming. Read all about calories.

Fiber will keep you full for a longer period of time. It helps in avoiding binge eating in the next meal. Fiber also helps break down fats and increase the body's metabolism. The satiety level of food is high when it is accompanied by the fiber in the diet. This includes whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, millet, legumes, and sprouts. So helping to move the stick weight loss. Read on – Millet Diet Plan For Weight Loss And Sprouts And Benefits For Weight Loss.

Most of us are always in a hurry to finish our meals. We don't even notice what we're eating or how much we're eating. When you chew your food properly, signals are sent to your body when the body is full and doesn't need more food. It increases the saturation of the brain after eating. Try chewing your fruits and vegetables instead of having them in juice or smoothie form. Learn about the benefits of chewing for weight loss.

A high salt content in food leads to excessive water retention in the body. This water retention shows up on your scale. As soon as you cut down on salt you will lose the excess water from your body. Make sure that you are consuming the correct amount of salt that your body needs. Processed foods, preservatives, and canned foods all contain preservatives that are high in salt and sodium. Avoid consuming such products to break the weight loss plateau and move the stuck weight. In some cases it helps to cut down on the soups at dinner (if you are taking them). A tip: measure 1 teaspoon of salt and only use that much in your food for cooking. If necessary, sprinkle some rock salt / pink salt on your food to improve the taste.

Desperate time calls for desperate measures. People who find they are not losing weight tend to skip meals. Skipping meals can create a halo of calorie restriction, but it pushes the body more towards the plateau when the body goes into a starvation phase. Skipping meals slows down your metabolism. While eating all of your meals with balanced nutrients will keep your metabolism high and avoid a weight loss plateau. So either eat for all of your meals or follow a proper 16: 8 intermittent fasting pattern.

Drinking water helps reduce caloric intake during meals. Sometimes when you are hungry it can signal that you are thirsty. You could mistake the thirst signal for hunger and eat more calories. When you are hungry, try consuming water first and wait for some time. Consume at least 2 – 2.5 liters of water daily. As you drink more water, your total urine output increases. This ensures your body's natural detoxification and also helps reduce gas and swelling if you are experiencing these problems. They not only give your skin the glow we all really crave! Read on – Top 10 Recipes Using Flavored Water.

  • Check your protein intake:

Protein helps the body increase metabolism. The body needs more energy to break down protein, thus helping to lose weight quickly. High protein in your diet will help in maintaining your body's muscles. More muscles in the body ensure a high metabolism. Foods high in protein also suppress ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Include dals, legumes, sprouts, milk and products, poultry, fish, and soy in your daily diet. Read – High Protein Diet For Weight Loss.

High proteins require adequate amounts of carbohydrates in order for proteins to be digested and absorbed. Following an extremely low-carb diet, the body is pushed to store fat and in turn gain weight. Include low GI, high fiber carbohydrates. You can consume whole wheat, whole wheat flour, millet, oats, as well as quinoa. These low GI carbohydrates can become fuel for your workouts and help boost your metabolism. Read on – Low Carb Diet Plan For Weight Loss.

Try to merge different workout routines. Mix up your cardio with weight training. Strength training helps you maintain muscle mass, increase your metabolism and thus lose weight. If you're already into strength training, increase your repetitions and see if you can lift more weight than usual. For cardio, you can walk, jog, swim, dance, zumba, dance, or ride a bike to lose weight. Try weight training or HIIT training to tone the body. Interval training also helps to boost your body's metabolism. It consists of a 5 minute warm up followed by a 1 minute high intensity workout and a 2 minute break. This pattern needs to be repeated for half an hour. It all boils down to that one word again, experiment!

Proper sleep ensures that you don't get stuck losing weight. Sound sleep helps the body relieve stress and reduces the free radicals in the body. When you stay up late at night, you crave midnight snacks. Extra meals can lead to weight gain or hinder weight loss. Benefits of sleeping for 7 hours.

Final grade:

Losing weight is a mind game. Change your mind, change your body. You don't have to eat less, you just have to eat right. Hope our information on Breaking the Weight Loss Plateau and 10 Tips to Starting Stuck Weight Loss Help you mess things up.

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