How To Prevent Loose Skin After Losing Weight

Since when we move, the skin has to stretch, grow and, as with weight loss, shrink, the skin is an incredibly elastic living organ. Yes, that's right, skin is not just a large piece of rubber that covers the entire body, but an organ. Like all other organs in your body, it is made up of cells.

Different layers of skin have different types of cells, and although the skin cells on the outer part of your skin (the epidermis) are constantly being lost and replaced with new cells, the skin cells under the epidermis are slightly more permanent. These cells are made up of elastic tissues that cause loose skin.

Loose skin is a common outcome of weight loss programs; especially the ones that make you lose weight faster. Even after you get to your ideal figure, you can have new worries when you see loose and sagging skin all over your body. Read on to learn more about how to avoid loose skin through weight loss.

How to prevent loose skin after losing weight

How to prevent loose skin after losing weight

Gradually lose weight

Sagging or loose skin is likely due to rapid weight loss. Despite its elasticity, your skin retains its previous shape even after you have lost many pounds. This is the same thing that happens to pregnant women after giving birth. The best way to prevent loose skin is to try to lose weight gradually. Instead of a crash diet, try healthier methods of weight loss, such as a balanced but low-calorie diet and regular exercise. Even if the results aren't as quick, your skin has time to adjust and stay firm and looking younger.

Maintain muscle mass in the body

Another reason for loose skin after weight loss is the decrease in muscle mass. If you lose weight too quickly, much of the weight will come from your muscle tissue and weigh more than fat. This is a common result of crash dieting. When nutrients and calories are deprived of your body, muscle tissue is digested, rather than fat tissue. This muscle loss leads to sagging skin. To avoid this, it is important that you do muscle building exercises regularly to maintain your muscles. Weight training can also help you gain muscle mass.

Hydrate your skin internally

At this point, we all know how important water is to weight loss. Hydration is an important factor in maintaining firm and smooth skin. It is important that you drink enough water every day to ensure that your skin retains its elasticity. When I say water means regular water, no soft drinks and caffeinated drinks etc as these are just robbing your skin of essential nutrients. If you're looking for a drink that will help you relax, consider drinking herbal teas instead.

Stop thinking and start doing

Probably stop thinking a lot and start because it's never too late. The elasticity of your skin decreases with age. So if you want to lose weight without suffering from loose skin, don't postpone weight loss. Perhaps you keep indulging in unhealthy foods with the excuse that later on you will just try to lose weight. The more you lose weight, the less elastic your skin becomes. When you come to lose weight at some point, your skin may not be able to adapt as well as it used to.

Eat healthy food

The health of your skin depends not only on the products you use, but also on the foods you eat. Make sure your diet is rich in nutrients. Protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats are essential for healthy skin.

Take care of your skin, moisturize it, scrub it regularly, and protect it from the sun.

If you know of other ways you can prevent loose skin after losing weight? Share with us!

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