How to Reduce Your Fat Intake • Helpful Tips

There are many reasons to reduce fat intake. Maybe a weight loss Goal, or maybe your yearly exam has revealed that your cholesterol levels need to be adjusted.

It's important to remember that your body needs fat to function, so don't try to eliminate fat from your diet entirely. Focus on healthy fats and watch your intake by following the tips below.

Dietary Fats: Good or Bad?

If you're worried about your cholesterol levels, take a good look at the types of fats you're eating. Cut back on your saturated fats or those that are solid at room temperature. These are mainly found in animal products such as butter, full-fat cheese and fatty meat. Instead, add unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils, fish, and nuts. (1) Focus on generally improving your diet with healthy grocery lists, or maybe even try going vegan for a while!

Small changes can lead to big results. That's why we want to show you how you can significantly reduce yours fat intake long-term by making just a few small changes now. It's really easy you'll see!

Cooking tips to reduce fat intake

Use reduced amounts of fat

ONE A small amount is enough to achieve the desired taste. The more fat the better, that's just not true. Current guidelines on dietary fat recommend limiting fat intake to 30% of your total daily energy intake.(2)

Opt for high-quality pots and pans

Use non-stick pans and stainless steel or earthenware pots. They help you prepare delicious dishes while using less fats and oils.

Onions instead of fat

When cooking, use less fat and oil and more onions, garlic and herbs to flavor your food.

Use oil in a spray can

That way, less oil ends up in the pan and on your plate.

cook fish

Two to three servings of fish per week have a positive effect on your cholesterol levels. Prepared with little fat/oil, fish makes a perfect, light lunch or dinner.

Season generously

Instead of using a lot of fat and heavy sauces, you season your dishes with fresh herbs and exotic spices.

Cut calories with dark oils

When cooking with dark oils such as sesame oilwe automatically use less. They also offer a more intense flavor. Try pumpkin seed oil on your salads! are pumpkin seeds loaded with magnesium.

pumpkin seed oil

Prepare the fish “en papillote”.

All you need is aluminum foil and an oven! This method allows you to save on oils and dressings while preserving the original flavor of the fish.

Measure with a teaspoon

Always use a teaspoon when measuring fat and oil to better control the amounts needed for cooking.

Use paper instead of grease

Use parchment paper when baking to save on fat when greasing.

Eat of course

When eating canned foods like canned fish, always opt for foods in their own juice or water. By avoiding oil-packed foods, you can save a ton of fat and calories.

Don't skimp on vinegar

Use lots of vinegar in your salad dressings. Apple cider vinegar, for example, stimulates your digestion, and some research suggests it may aid in weight loss.(3)

Go wok

A wok helps you to prepare delicious dishes with a significantly reduced fat content.

Cool soups after cooking

Drops of fat rise to the surface and are easy to skim off.

Try cooking with fresh local vegetables

Broccoli, cucumber, celery, garlic, onion, spinach, tomato, and zucchini are excellent options. These are all delicious ingredients and full of nutrients. If you are try to lose weight fresh vegetables should be your first choice.

Fried instead of breaded

Regardless of the ingredients, roasted is always the better choice. Breaded foods typically contain almost twice as many calories as oven-roasted natural products.

Roasted potatoes

Use paper towels to drain grease

After frying, place your food on a piece of kitchen paper. It absorbs the excess fat and prevents it build up in your arteries.

Eat skinless poultry

Skinning chicken, turkey, and duck can save you tons of calories and fat.

Avoid oil from time to time

You really can do without oil. Use broth or vinegar instead of oil and butter.

Customize your recipes

To reduce calories, simply use half the fat and sugars specified in your recipes. Consider using a sugar substitute reduce sugar.

Stay away from trans fats

Trans Fatty acids, whether manufactured or found in cow, sheep, and goat fat, have been shown to increase the ratio of LDL (bad) to HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood.(4)

Bring away

With just a few simple changes to your cooking and food preparation habits can significantly reduce your fat intake. Do your cholesterol a favor and swap saturated fats for healthy unsaturated fats.


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