Improve Your Health with Earthing

Your body is a complex electrical system. What do engineers know about electrical systems?

They must be earthed, otherwise there is a risk of strong static electricity.

Harmful electromagnetic fields are everywhere in our environment. Some doctors believe radio frequency or RF radiation can even lead to cancer. Common artificial sources include the following:

  • Radio and television broadcast signals
  • Cellular base stations
  • WiFi and Bluetooth
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
  • Body scanners at security points using millimeter wave technology

Some workers are exposed to RF radiation at work. Examples of this are radio technicians and maintenance personnel for radar systems.

Employers are required to take measures to protect employees as specified in the OSHA guidelines. Protection from personal injury should be a top priority for managers in high risk areas.

Gently bring your body into balance

It is believed that healing occurs through connection with the negative ions on the earth's surface. Grounding, or grounding, has been shown to stabilize physiology and create benefits for the whole body.

Grounding enthusiasts report better sleep, reduced inflammation, increased immunity, and a reduction in pain.

The practice has also been shown to improve the flow of lymph fluid and blood to the heart. How exactly is the grounding done?

Go barefoot outside

Go barefoot outside

Photo credit: Pixabay

The cheapest and easiest way to get yourself grounded is to walk around outside without shoes. Go ahead, dig your toes in the sand.

There are reasons why you might feel better after a trip to the beach. Sand underfoot and salty sea air provide you with a powerful dose of negative ions.

It doesn't have to be your feet, however. It can be beneficial to expose part of your body to the earth for an extended period of time. Plant in the garden? You can unwittingly ground yourself by playing in the dirt.

Mats for grounding

Of course, not all of us can walk around barefoot outside on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are other options. Grounding mats have a carbon infusion and a conductive top layer that is connected by a cable to the ground connection of an electrical outlet.

Mats are versatile and can be used anywhere. Some people place a ground mat over their body while online and in close proximity to a computer. Mats can also be spread out on your lap while watching TV. You can travel with them and take them with you to the office or on vacation.

Grounding plates

Imagine having a protective shield around your body while you sleep. Grounding sheets have a conductive material, often silver, that is woven through the entire fabric. Similar to mats, they are connected with a wire that plugs into the earth connection.

There are several bedding options, including full sheet and duvet ensembles. Sheets can be used to cover a bed, couch, futon, or any other place where you could be exposed to RF radiation.

Why You Should Use Grounding Techniques

People spend most of their time in buildings and above ground in buildings. Research shows that the health of the general population has deteriorated as we have been separated from the earth.

Electron imbalances occur in our body because we are exposed to too many disruptive positive ion charges. The instability seeps through the innermost part of our body and can lead to degenerative diseases.

Free electrons, such as those created in your body when you are grounded, are released by the sun and lightning, which keeps plants and animals healthy. Sometimes the simplest means are the best.

Grounding provides a wonderful way for all of us to relax and relieve stress, knowing that we are balancing the electrical matrix of our body, mind, and spirit.

About the author:

Anne Kamwila is a freelance content writer and digital marketer. She is passionate about health, technology, and business-related guides, news, and books.

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