Indian Diet Chart for Hepatomegaly PDF ( How to Reduce Liver Swelling )

Indian diet chart for hepatomegaly. Diet chart for liver swelling (Hepatomegaly). List of Foods allowed and foods to avoid. How to reduce liver inflammation? Which fruit is best for the liver? Enlarged liver diet chart and many more such questions will be answered in this article.

The liver is one of the important organs in our body. Its function is to filter the blood constantly to remove all the chemicals and toxins in the body. The liver also stores sugar which is broken down to obtain energy. It also helps in the production of bile that is required for digestion and absorption of fats. With certain health conditions, there is a malfunction of the liver causing it to swell.

When a liver swells beyond its normal size, the condition is known as hepatomegaly. Hepatomegaly is a symptom and not a disease itself. Usually, liver swelling is a symptom of liver infection or excess fat deposition. This condition is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It is generally observed in people suffering from diabetes or obesity. Even excess alcohol consumption leads to hepatomegaly that ends up in the fatty liver and then eventually to ESLD.

Symptoms of Hepatomegaly:

  • Nausea
  • Feeling of fullness
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Jaundice
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss

Causes of Hepatomegaly:

  • Obesity
  • Hepatitis B or C
  • Excess alcohol consumption
  • Toxins
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Fatty liver due to metabolic syndrome
  • Genetic disorders
  • Tumors

How to Reduce Liver Swelling?

Treatment of Hepatomegaly:

The first line of treatment for hepatomegaly is weight loss and fat reduction. With acute hepatomegaly, doctors might prescribe few medicines and emphasize more on lifestyle modification.

You require a diet that is low in fats, moderate in proteins and carbohydrates as well as high in fiber. Include foods that help in the removal of excess fat from the body. At the same time avoid foods that are high in fats.

Indian Diet Chart for Hepatomegaly PDF

Foods to Include in Hepatomegaly Diet Plan

Excess carbohydrates get converted to fats and are stored around the liver. Consumption of complex carbohydrates ensures a slow and steady release of glucose in the blood that gets utilized in the body. Include whole grain cereals, millets, oats, quinoa, and whole fruits and vegetables.

Pulses and lentils have resistance starch that reduces circulating sugars in blood and triglycerides. They not only keep you full for longer but also have high satiation value. Hence, prevent overeating in the next meal. All these properties of pulses and lentils help in weight reduction. Include all kinds of pulses, dals as well as sprouts in your daily diet. Soy and its products help to reduce triglycerides and also prevent visceral fat deposition.

These meats are high in omega-3 fatty acids that help in reducing the inflammation caused by hepatomegaly. Fish is high in proteins and thus had a high satiation value, hence aiding in weight loss. Eggs have complete proteins and also have omega-3 fatty acids. Egg yolk is high in cholesterol, thus avoid eating egg yolk daily. You can consume up to 2 egg whites in a day.

Nuts and oilseeds have antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These help in reducing oxidative stress, inflammation as well as infection of the liver. Nuts help in managing insulin resistance observed in metabolic syndrome. You can soak the nuts overnight and consume them just before breakfast. Include omega-3-rich walnuts, almonds, dates, brazil nuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds as well as chia seeds in your diet.

Dairy products can help in reducing inflammation. The consumption of curd and buttermilk not only helps to improve gut health but also aids in weight loss. You can consume 2 – 3 servings of dairy in a day.

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consume a minimum of 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in the whole form to avail the majority of its benefits. The fiber in fruits satisfies hunger pangs in between meals. Vitamins and minerals are essential for reducing inflammation, and oxidative stress. Include fruits like apples, pears, pineapples, guava, as well as papaya. You can consume bananas if your blood sugar levels are normal. Do not consume fruits with meals or as juices. It leads to high glycaemic load as well as increases triglyceride levels. Dark green leafy vegetables are high in phytates and oxalates that can hinder liver function. It is best to consume cooked leafy vegetables.

Consume a low-fat diet to reverse the condition of hepatomegaly. Include omega 3-rich fats like olive oil in your daily diet. Use oils like groundnut, rice bran, or canola oil. Consume 10 – 15 gms of visible oil or ghee in your daily diet.

Superfoods that reduce hepatomegaly:

  • Green tea: Green tea is high in antioxidants that reduce stress as well as  inflammation caused by hepatomegaly
  • Turmeric: Turmeric has the ability to reduce inflammation and fastens the healing process of the liver
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli have the ability to detoxify the liver

Indian Diet Chart for Hepatomegaly PDF ( How to Reduce Liver Swelling )

The sulfur present in cruciferous vegetables helps in the production of antioxidant that reduces inflammation.

Foods to avoid in Hepatomegaly:

  • High-fatty foods: Deep-fried foods worsen fat deposition and hence, increase  inflammation in the liver
  • Sugary foods: Excess sugar intake leads to high blood sugars, weight gain, as well as high triglycerides
  • Processed foods: Processed foods are high in preservatives, trans fats, and salt leading to inflammation
  • Alcohol: Alcohol causes fatty liver disease, and obesity and worsens blood sugar levels
  • Refined carbs: Refined carbs increase triglycerides, blood sugars, and inflammation in the body
  • Red meat: Red meats are high in saturated fats and they increase the visceral fat deposition

Indian Diet Chart for Hepatomegaly PDF

Sample of Indian diet chart for hepatomegaly

Empty stomach: ¼ th teaspoon turmeric powder and ginger tea.

Breakfast: 1 cup Overnight soaked oats with nuts (walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and date).

OR 1 bowl daliya upama with vegetables.

Mid-morning: 1 Fruit (100 – 150 gms).  Oranges, papaya, and melons are preferred.

Lunch: 1 cup Salad + 2 phulkas + 1 cup any green leafy vegetable + 1 cup Dal or 1 cup cooked Sprouts or 1 cup Curd

Snacks: 1 cup Green Tea + 1 cup Roasted Makhana or Grilled Tofu 100 gms.

Dinner: 1 Cup Stir fry vegetables + 1 cup Brown Rice + 1 cup Mix dal + 1 cup Curd.

OR  – foxtail millet khichadi with vegetables + 1 cup kadhi.

Bed-time: 1 cup Turmeric milk.


End note:

There can be a variety of reasons that can cause hepatomegaly. It is important to find the main cause and work on lifestyle management along with it. An exercise regime along with dietary changes ensures a positive result. Hope our sample of the Indian diet chart for hepatomegaly helps you get into better health. For a personalized diet plan, you can write us at or check our service page.


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