Indian Diet Chart for Kidney Patients PDF (Acute and Chronic Kidney Disorder Diet)

Indian Diet Chart for Kidney Patients (Acute and Chronic Kidney Disorder Diet). Kidney is one of the very crucial organs of our body. They are placed on the either sides of our lower abdominal quadrant just above the waist in our body. The main function of the kidney is filtering your blood.

Functions of kidneys

  • Maintain a fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Remove toxins from the body
  • Maintain blood pressure
  • Make erythropoietin that produces red blood cells
  • Produce active form of vitamin D

However, with kidney disease all these functions are disrupted. It not only affects the body’s ability to filter blood and to retain water, but also leads to blood pressure changes.RBC and vitamin D production are also affected.

Causes of kidney Disorders

Acute Kidney Failure:

There can be a sudden malfunctioning of the kidneys leading to acute renal failure. The causes of acute kidney failure are;

  • Diminished blood flow to the kidneys
  • Sudden damage, injury or infection of the kidneys
  • Urine retention in the kidneys
  • Enlarged prostate or kidney stones
  • Medications that damage the kidneys
  • Autoimmune diseases

Chronic Kidney Failure:

There can be an underlying condition that causes damage to the kidneys gradually over the years causing chronic kidney failure.

Symptoms of kidney failure:

Be it acute or chronic, the symptoms of kidney failure are almost same. The reason for kidney failure and duration determines if the failure is acute or chronic. The symptoms of kidney failure are;

  • Reduced, excess or no urine output
  • High blood pressure
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Swelling in feet and ankles
  • Itching on skin
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • A metallic taste in the mouth
  • Muscle cramps
  • Shortness of breath

Biochemical symptoms of kidney failure

  • Increased creatine levels
  • Abnormal serum sodium, phosphorus and potassium
  • Low RBC
  • Low iron and haemoglobin
  • Vitamin D deficiency

Treatment for kidney disease:

Two step treatments is necessary for kidney failure.

  1. Medication: The doctors prescribe medication to control the blood pressure and blood sugars. Medicines help in maintaining fluid electrolyte balance as well as to prevent deficiency.
  2. Diet modification: A low sodium, moderate protein, as well as moderate carbohydrate and a low fat diet will help to maintain kidney disorder. 25 to 30 kcal per kg body weight, as well as 0.8 to 1 gms of protein per kg body weight is the general recommendation.

Indian Diet Chart for Kidney Patients (Acute and Chronic Kidney Disorder Diet)

Foods Allowed in Acute and Chronic Renal Failure

Complex carbohydrates are not only required to provide energy to the body but also to fight the infection. Cereals help to reduce the inflammation as well as the circulatory cholesterol. Complex carbohydrates maintain the blood sugars and also maintain the blood pressure. Include whole wheat, millets, oats, quinoa, as well as sago.

Half of the protein intake must come from plant source. They provide branch chain amino acids that help kidneys to function normally. Proteins are not only required to recover from the acute infection,  but also required for the production of hormones and RBCs.

Dairy products provide the good quality proteins, calcium as well as fat soluble vitamins. Low fat dairy like milk and curd help to maintain cell integrity as well as improve gut health. These proteins also repair  the damaged cells. Include at least 3 servings of dairy in your daily diet.

Egg, poultry and fish provide good quality protein, iron and also antioxidants. These foods provide omega 3 that helps in recovery, reduce inflammation as well as the oxidative stress. Egg is a complete protein that provides all essential nutrients required by the body and prevent any nutrient deficiency. The iron provided by poultry and fish is directly absorbed in the body and also maintains the haemoglobin levels. Include 1 serving on any of these in your daily diet.

Nuts provide fiber, proteins, as well as good quality fats. They are required for the recovery of the kidneys and to delay the damage caused by chronic kidney failure. Nuts also provide energy. Include at least 15 gms of nuts in your daily diet. You can consume walnuts, almonds, resins, dates, chia seeds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds. Add nuts to milk or salad to increase the protein quality of the recipe.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals. However, they are also high in potassium. Consume fruits only when the serum potassium levels are in control, otherwise it is best to avoid fruits completely. Dark green leafy vegetables and potato are also high in potassium. Leech these foods before consuming. leeching is a process where chopped vegetables are boiled in water for a minute and the water is discarded. Potassium is water soluble vitamin that gets extracted while boiling. Include 4 – 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.

Consume 20 to 25 gms of visible fats in your daily diet. Avoid consuming saturated fats, trans fats and also excess butter. Avoid deep fried foods, creamy sauces as well as junk food. Include groundnut oil, rice bran oil, olive oil as well as cannola oil in the diet.

In kidney disorder, there is fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Excess salt in the diet will not only increase the water retention, but also worsen fluid electrolyte imbalance, and increase the blood pressure. Consume 1 tspn of salt in the entire day. If your sodium is  very high , yopu might have to lower the intake further.  Replace the salt with tamarind, dry mango powder, tomatoes as well as vinegar.

Derailment of kidney functions can lead to water retention in the body. This leads to swelling. Calculate the fluid intake by taking urine output into consideration. Total fluid intake should be equal to urine output plus 500 ml of insensible losses in perspiration and body processes.

Low Pottasium Food List For Acute and Chronic Kidney Disorder Diet

Low Pottasium Fruit list

  • Apple
  • Peach/nectarine
  • Pear
  • Pineapple (1 slice)
  • Clementine/mandarin/satsuma/
  • tangerine
  • Kiwi (small)
  • Plum (medium)
  • Blueberries (80g/handful)
  • Cherries (80g/handful)
  • Grapes (80g/handful)
  • Strawberries (80g/handful)
  • Raspberries (80g/handful)
  • Watermelon
  • Grapefruit (½)

Low Pottassium Vegetables list

  • Beansprouts (4 tablespoons)
  • Broccoli (2 spears)
  • Cabbage (2 handfuls)
  • Carrots (3 tablespoons)
  • Cauliflower (6 florets)
  • Cucumber (3cm)
  • French beans (3 tablespoons)
  • Lettuce (1 small bowl)
  • Olives (20)
  • Peas, boiled (3 tablespoons)
  • Peppers (capsicum) (½)
  • Runner beans / sem phali  (3 tablespoons)
  • Turnip (⅓)

 Download the PDF  Low pottasium Indian food list 

Indian Diet Chart for Kidney Patients (Acute and Chronic Kidney Disorder Diet)

Sample diet plan:

Early morning: Soaked nuts (Almonds, walnuts, dates)

Breakfast: 1 cup Daliya with milk or Sabudana khichdi + 100 ml Milk or 1 cup curd

Mid-morning: 40 gms Paneer or 2 egg whites

Lunch: 1 cup Boiled vegetable salad + 2 Chapati or 1 cup Rice + 1 cup Vegetable + 1 cup thick dal or ½ cup Sprouts

Snacks: 1 Fruit or 1 cup Kurmura or ½ Roasted Poha Chivda or 1 Khakra

Dinner: 1 cup Vegetable Khichdi + 1 cup Vegetable + 1 cup Vegetable Raita

This Indian diet chart for kidney patients ( acute and chronic kidney disorder diet) is a sample diet plan. It may or may not be suitable for your personal requirement. It is best to take a personalized diet plan to assure that your diet meets your nutritional requirements. This is primarily dependent on your personal blood investigation and values. Email us at to avail your personal diet chart.

End note:

Acute kidney disorder can be reversed with the right medication and dietary intervention. Chronic kidney disease cannot be reversed, However, it can be managed by right food selection and medication. Always consult a certified dietician for dietary guidance and prevent any nutrient deficiency. Hope this Indian diet chart for kidney patients ( acute and chronic kidney disorder diet) helps you. Subscribe to our Youtube channel for informative videos.

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