Indian Diet Plan for Bypass Patient | Maintaining Heart Health (What to eat After 20 days of Surgery)

Clean eating is necessary to remain healthy, prevent diseases as well as for faster recovery from illness. Many of the illnesses can be managed by only lifestyle change or diet intervention. But there are few illnesses that need a surgical correction like for atherosclerosis or an artery block. Here is an Indian diet plan for bypass patient. Maintaining heart health (What to eat after 20 days of surgery).

A bypass surgery is performed to get an unobstructed flow of blood. The healthy blood vessels are attached creating a bypass. The surgery is done by opening the chest cavity. The bones, cartilages and also muscles are cut open to perform the surgery. To completely heal after the surgery, it takes about 6 to 8 weeks. The time may vary depending upon patient’s health before surgery, his co-morbid conditions as well as diet after surgery.

Indian Diet Plan for Bypass Patient | Maintaining Heart Health 

Reasons for atherosclerosis or blockage in the artery:

Importance of Healthy Eating Post-Surgery:

Dietary Management After Bypass Surgery:

  • Initial 24 hours the patient is on liquid diet. The body is under the influence of anaesthesia due to which the muscles as well as the body are sluggish. After the patient  tolerates liquid diet, he is given semi-solid food and then later weaned to normal diet. At discharge , the patient is allowed to eat a soft diet.
  • After being back at home, diet management is one of the major goal to prevent further damage to the heart. The patient needs to eat healthy food. Diet that is moderate in carbohydrates as well as proteins and also low in fats.

Indian Diet Plan for Bypass Patient | Maintaining Heart Health

Foods to Include in Indian Diet Plan for Bypass Patient

Post surgery the calorie intake has to be enough to promote healing of the body. Carbohydrates provide the glucose required for energy, it also helps to build muscles as well as to store glycogen for energy. Intake of low glycaemic index carbohydrates helps to control blood sugars, reduce cholesterol, maintain insulin secretion as well as manage insulin resistance. Include whole grains, whole fruits and vegetables, millets, quinoa, and also oats.

Daily intake of fiber is necessary to reduce the cholesterol absorption from the stomach. Fiber remove excess cholesterol from the gut as well as to lose weight. Fiber also helps to control insulin resistance, prevents blood sugar spikes, creates roughage and also relives constipation after the surgery. 25 – 30 gms of fiber is required on daily basis for the normal function of the body. Eat whole grains, whole fruits as well as  vegetables, fenugreek seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, sprouts, and also green leafy vegetables.

Proteins are the building blocks of our body. You need adequate proteins after being discharge from the hospital. Proteins promotes healing, reduces oxidative stress on the body, reduces weight, manages cholesterol as well as reduces blood sugars. Include good quality proteins like egg, poultry, milk and its products, pulses, dals, sprouts, nuts, seeds as well as soy. High protein diet plan. 

Good quality low fat diet helps in faster recovery of the patient. Consumption of not more than 20 – 30 gms of visible fats is enough for better recovery as well as providing energy. Omega 3 rich food sources help in reducing stress on the body as well as promoting healing. It provides antioxidants and also prevents further blockage in the artery. Include oils like groundnut oil, canola oil, or rice bran oil. Include omega 3 rich foods like flaxseeds, chia seeds, as well as walnuts.

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for the faster recovery. They provide the antioxidants, promote healing, as well as reduce post-surgery inflammation. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, sprouts, nuts and also certain seeds.

These are special foods that help to reduce inflammation after surgery. These foods also help in faster recovery as well as to reduce cholesterol. Turmeric helps in faster healing and acts as an antioxidant. Methi seeds as well as isabgol help to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. Chia seeds provide antioxidant and also  anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon helps to reduce cholesterol and aids weight loss.

High salt in the diet might lead to water retention and high blood pressure. High blood pressure can impact the health of the heart. Thus, a low salt diet helps to keep the blood pressure in control. Half to one teaspoon of salt in a day is enough for a patient with history of high blood pressure and also bypass. You can replace salt with tamarind, vinegar or tomatoes.

Excess fluid can lead to fluid retention if the heart pumping is weak. It can lead to swelling in the extremities. With low pumping efficiency of heart, there is fluid restriction depending on the urine output as well as insensible losses.


Foods to Avoid in Indian Diet Plan for Bypass Patient

  • High fat foods: High fat foods can increase the cholesterol deposition in the blood vessels. This leads to increased blockage. Avoid deep fried, refried, fried snacks as well as creamy foods.
  • Refined sugar: Refined sugars in the diet can increase the triglyceride levels and worsen dyslipidaemia. Avoid table sugar, sugary desserts, sweets, as well as desserts.
  • Junk foods: Junk food is high in trans fats that lead to atherosclerosis or cholesterol deposition in the blood vessels. Avoid processed foods, fast food, packaged foods as well as bakery products.
  • Alcohol and smoking: Excess alcohol increases triglycerides which lead to dyslipidaemia. Smoking leads to deposition of nicotine and tar in the blood vessels. This hardens the blood vessels and also leads to resistance in the blood flow.

Indian Diet Plan for Bypass Patient | Maintaining Heart Health

Sample of Indian Diet Plan for Bypass Patient

Empty stomach: 1 teaspoon Methiseeds soaked warm water or ¼ th teaspoon cinnamon powder in warm water.

Breakfast: Overnight soaked oats in milk with walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and dates. Or 2 Small Palak Paratha with curd or green chutney.

Mid-morning: 1 Fruit (100 – 150 gms).

Lunch: 1 cup Green salad + 2 Multigrain Phulka or 1 cup Rice + 1 cup Vegetable + 1 cup Dal + 1 cup Curd or 2 Egg whites or 100 gms Chicken or Fish.

Snack: 1 cup Green tea + ½ cup Roasted Makhana or Roasted Chana or 1 cup Sprouts or 2 Egg whites.

Dinner: 1 cup Salad or Vegetable soup + 1 Millet roti + 1 cup Vegetable + 1 cup curd.

Bed-time: 1 cup Turmeric Milk.


Eating is an art that very few can excel. You need to follow a prescribed diet after your bypass surgery for better recovery. A good Indian diet plan for bypass patient helps in maintaining heart health and also prevent relapse. The main aim of the diet after bypass surgery is to prevent more blockages, reduce weight as well as prevent any co-morbidity.

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