Indian Diet Plan for Dialysis ( Kidney Patient Diet chart PDF / Dialysis Diet Chart )

Our body is a beautiful creation where every organ has a unique function. The kidney is the powerhouse of the body. They are small fist-size organs that filter blood, regulate blood pressure and also maintain fluid-electrolyte balance. Indian Diet Plan for Dialysis. Kidney Patient Diet chart PDF.  Dialysis Patient Diet Chart.

Functions of kidneys

  • Remove waste products as well as toxins from the body via urine
  • Produce red blood cells
  • Eliminate excess medications from the body
  • Maintain fluid as well as electrolyte balance
  • Release hormones to regulate blood pressure
  • Produce an active form of vitamin D to strengthen bones

But sometimes some inappropriate conditions might lead to damage to the kidneys. This is when you need an external machine to perform kidney functions. This process is known as dialysis. Dialysis treatment helps to remove extra waste, salt as well as extra water from the body.

Types of Dialysis

  1. Haemodialysis: The blood is filtered through the machine to remove toxins and then returned to the body. You need to visit a dialysis centre twice or thrice a week for blood filtration. It usually takes 3 to 4 hours to finish the whole process.
  2. Peritoneal dialysis: Peritoneal dialysis requires the insertion of fluid into the abdomen that filters the waste products. Once done, the fluid is removed and a new fluid is dripped into the abdomen. This is a continuous process. This can be done at home and also, no need to visit any centre unless there is some issue with the process.

This process does not completely replace kidney function. In between these processes the body accumulates the fluid as well as waste products. Thus, a renal diet plays an important role to maintain the existing condition and also prevent the deterioration of kidney function.

Indian Diet Plan for Dialysis ( Kidney Patient Diet chart PDF / Dialysis Diet Chart )

Tips for Kidney Patient Diet Chart:

  • Consume good quality high protein diet
  • Control your salt, potassium, as well as phosphorus-containing foods
  • Check for fluid output to calculate your fluid allowance in a day

Nutrients Of Importance in Indian Diet Plan for Dialysis

Sodium is necessary to maintain blood pressure, balancing acid-base balance as well as the fluid-electrolyte balance. High sodium in the body might lead to hypertension, oedema or shortness of breath. Thus controlling sodium levels is of utmost importance. Sodium is a major part of many Indian food items in form of table salt. With kidney damage, the sodium allowance is between 1000 – 2000 gms per day, i.e approximately 1 teaspoon of table salt. To compensate for a low salt taste you can use herbs, tamarind pulp, vinegar or lemon juice as per the allowance.

Avoid packaged foods with high sodium salt preservatives, aerated beverages, use of fruit salt and also baking soda.

Potassium regulates nerve as well as muscle functioning. Increased potassium in the blood might cause irregular heartbeats, tachycardia or even cardiac arrest. Low potassium might cause muscle cramps or difficulty in breathing. Thus limit your potassium intake to less than 2000 mgs per day. Most fruits and also vegetables are high in potassium. But these vegetables can be consumed after leaching.

Leaching: Leaching is a process where cut vegetables parboiled in the boiling water and then the water is removed. You can also soak the vegetables for 2 to 3 hours. These parboiled vegetables are used as well as the water is removed.

Limit intake of other foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains as well as brown sugar that are moderate in potassium. Consume only GAP3 fruits that are low in potassium. GAP3 fruits are – guava, apple, pineapple, pear and papaya.

Phosphorous is essential for energy production as well as the utilization of other vitamins and minerals. It strengthens the bones and teeth by balancing the calcium to phosphorus ratio. High phosphorus in the body might lead to renal complications, skin problems like itching as well as cardiac complication. Phosphorus imbalance can make bones brittle and lead to fractures.

Phosphorus is found in nuts, pulses, dals, seeds, animal proteins and a few vegetables. Thus limit the phosphorus intake in the diet by balancing the plant protein with animal protein

Kidney failure along with fluid electrolyte imbalance might cause oedema. There can be fluid retention in the body as the patient is unable to urinate excess fluids. You need to measure the urine output, add the insensible losses like sweat and then calculate the fluid allowance. This fluid includes water, beverages, gravies or any other liquid in the diet. If the mouth feels dry apply ice over the lips or roll it in the mouth. Do not drink a whole glass of water. Take sips of water as required. Avoid fatty as well as salty food that makes you thirstier.

Renal patients generally follow a low protein diet to avoid further damage to the kidneys. But with dialysis, the protein requirement increases. You need to consume high amounts of good-quality proteins that prevent muscle wasting. Proteins are integral for tissue repair and recovery. Include good quality proteins like milk and products, soy, sprouts, egg, chicken and fish.

The daily energy requirements increase with dialysis. There is no restriction on the type of cereal to be used. Consume low GI cereals if you have obesity, diabetes or any other health conditions. Include wheat, millets flours, oats and quinoa. Consume at least 6 – 9 servings of cereals in a day. Include starchy vegetables like potato (after leaching), sweet potato or yam that does not overwork the kidneys. Consume more soluble fiber available in cereals, starchy foods and fruits.

Consume more of thick curd or paneer to avoid intake of fluid. Limit milk and products to 2 – 3 servings in a day as they are high in phosphorus. With very high phosphorus doctors prescribe phosphate binders that will help remove excess phosphorus from the body.

Indian Diet Plan for Dialysis

Here is a sample of Indian Diet Plan for Dialysis.  Kidney Patient Diet chart PDF link is mentioned below.

Sample diet plan:

Empty stomach: 1 Soaked Date + 2 Almonds + 1 teaspoon chia seeds

Breakfast: ½ cup Milk/ Tea + 2 – 3 small Oats Vegetable chilla + green chutney + ½ cup curd

Mid-morning: ½ cup Jeera Paneer or 2 Boiled Egg white or 50 gms Boiled chicken and vegetable salad

Lunch: 1 cup Boiled Vegetable Salad + 2 Chapati + 1 cup Brown Rice + 1 cup Vegetable + ½ cup Dal (thin) + ½  cup Curd

Snack: 1 cup boiled  sprout

Dinner: ½ leached mashed potato + 1 cup vegetable daliya + 1 cup any gourd vegetable + ½ cup Curd

Bedtime: ½ cup Turmeric Milk

Download Indian diet plan for Dialysis pdf 

End note:

Measure what you eat. Renal diet depends majorly on your blood reports as well as the general condition of the body. Take advice from a professional dietician so you know what, how much and when to eat. Indian Diet Plan for Dialysis ( Kidney Patient Diet chart PDF / Dialysis Diet Chart )

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