Indian Diet Plan For IVF ( What to Eat Before IVF Transfer and During IVF 2 Weeks Wait)

Imagine you have a whole world within you … Happiness is the feeling that the baby is growing in the womb. For some couples, however, that happiness comes after many struggles. Then advanced science comes to their aid. As rightly said, there is no mistake until you stop trying. IVF is one such attempt. Here is everything you need to know about IVF. An Indian nutrition plan for IVF along with all the details on what to eat before the IVF transfer and what to eat during the two week IVF waiting period.

What is IVF?

IVF is an in vitro fertilization process with a series of steps that aid fertility and aid conception. The female egg and male sperm are fertilized in a laboratory and then transferred to the uterus. This whole process takes at least 3 weeks. This is the final option that doctors use when methods such as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination have failed.

Who Should Choose IVF Treatment?

  • Unknown fertility problem
  • Hereditary disease of the parents
  • Bad egg quality
  • Problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes
  • Irregular or improper ovulation
  • Endometriosis
  • Low sperm count
  • The inability of the sperm to penetrate the cervical mucus

Factor Affecting IVF Treatment:

  • Endometriosis: Women with endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant naturally. IVF is not 100% effective in these women either. Diet Plan For Endometriosis That Really Works.
  • Age of mother: The older the age, the more difficult it is to achieve successful IVF results. The younger the females, the greater the chances of having a healthy child. Indian Pre-Pregnancy Pregnancy Diet Plan is exactly what you need.
  • The right time for embryo transfer: Every day is very important for the development of the embryo. Further, the embryo develops more chances of conceiving.
  • Lifestyle: Women who are obese, smoke or consume alcohol have a very lower chance of IVF success compared to healthy women. Excess caffeine also hinders the IVF process. Pregnancy diet plan for obese women.

Indian nutrition plan for IVF

When you choose IVF, you are putting too many things at risk. Money, emotions, hopes and the desire to become parents. You want to make sure that you are doing everything right and possible for this IVF transfer to be successful. This is where the right diet comes into play. This Indian diet plan for IVF will help you take care of your diet related issues. Here are the details of what to eat before the IVF transfer as well as during the two-week IVF wait.

Indian nutrition plan for IVF what to eat before IVF transfer

What to Eat Before IVF Transfer

  • Moderate carbohydrates: Consume more low glycemic index foods that will help you lose weight and maintain hormone balance. These include whole grains, whole grain roti, brown rice, pulao, oats, millet, quinoa, whole fruits and vegetables. Complex Carbohydrate Sources.
  • Good quality proteins: Consume high quality premium protein to promote ovulation and maintain embryo health. Choose low-fat milk and products, egg whites, poultry, legumes and legumes, fish, and soy products. List of protein foods.
  • Omega-3 rich fats: Add omega-3 rich fats to reduce inflammation and promote embryo fertilization. Use peanut oil, olive oil, canola oil, rice bran oil alternately to ensure healthy fats. Add nuts like walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts along with seeds like sunflower, pumpkin, chia and flax seeds.

Best foods for IVF implantation success

what to eat before the IVF transfer

  • Iron-rich foods: Green leafy vegetables, dates, fresh dates and ragi are rich in iron, which supports normal menstruation and ovulation. More iron-rich foods.
  • Folic acid: Folic acid helps ovulate and ripen the egg. It also helps in the fertilization of sperm and egg cells. Include foods like legumes, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, sprouts, as well as fortified foods. Learn more about increasing your sperm count.
  • Foods That Are High in Antioxidants: Vegetables, fruits, nuts are all high in antioxidants. Not only will these foods help reduce inflammation, but they will also promote fertilization and aid in the development of the fetus.
  • olive oil: It helps to improve the quality of the female egg cells.
  • Fish: Freshwater fish helps maintain levels of progesterone hormone.
  • Walnuts: Omega 3 and 6 in walnuts increase fertility.
  • Broccoli: It's high in iron, antioxidants, and folic acid that aid in fetal development.

List of foods to avoid in IVF treatment

  • Raw or half-cooked non-vegetarian foods: Raw eggs and improperly cooked meat can cause infection. Cook it well before eating.
  • Refined Sugar: Refined sugar makes insulin resistance, obesity, and PCOS worse. It minimizes the success of an IVF pregnancy.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol causes abnormal ovulation. This can hinder ovulation during IVF treatment. It can also lead to miscarriages and fetal harm.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine can cause neurological defects in the fetus and make IVF unsuccessful. Consume decaffeinated drinks for successful IVF.

Indian nutrition plan for IVF

Before and during the IVF procedure, focus more on maintaining a healthy weight. Try to overcome any nutritional deficiencies before starting IVF treatment. Follow the same instructions before and during IVF treatment until you move on to the pregnancy diet. Here is an example of an Indian nutrition plan for IVF. This can be followed up before IVF and during the IVF waiting period of 2 weeks.

Example of Indian Nutrition Plan for IVF Treatment:

Early morning:

Dates 2 No. + 2 halves of walnuts + 1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds.


green juice (dudhi + mint + broccoli + ginger + spinach + chia seeds + lemon juice).


Nachni satva in milk with chopped almonds or 2 no. (Small) vegetable and oat chilla with green chutney.

+ 1 cup of green tea (decaffeinated) or herbal tea.


1 medium-sized fruit (any fibrous seasonal fruit).

Having lunch:

1 cup of green salad or vegetable soup +

2 multigrain chapatti or 1 millet roti +

½ cup + brown rice

1.5 cup of green vegetables +

1 cup dal or sprouts.


1 glass of thin buttermilk or 1 cup of cottage cheese with flaxseed.


1 cup of Elaichi Nutmeg Milk +

2 khakras OR 1 cup of vegetable poha OR 5 – 6 pieces of Moong dal Dhokla with tomato chutney.


1 cup of green salad or vegetable soup + 1 cup of vegetables Dal Khichdi + 1 cup of Kadhi + 1 cup of cottage cheese.


1 cup of vegetable soup + 2 small dal paratha + 1 cup of stir-fried vegetables + 1 cup of cottage cheese or 100 g of chicken or fish.


1 cup of low-fat milk or 1 glass of almond milk or 2 egg whites (cooked) + 2 hemp seeds.

Tips for Successful IVF?

  • The stress: A calm and peaceful mind maintains body balance and increases IVF success. Engage in hobbies or leisure activities to take the stress out of everyday life.
  • Hydration: Water plays a very important role in reversing the bloating in the body. It helps avoid excessive caloric intake and leads to weight loss that aids the IVF process. It also maintains the water-electrolyte balance during IVF.
  • Improve sleep patterns: Sufficient sleep maintains the hormonal balance. It helps ovulation in time and increases fertility.
  • Take a deep breath: Breathing exercises help calm the nerves. It helps to focus and avoid unnecessary stress or tension. It improves lung capacity and thus strengthens immunity in the mother and fetus.

Final remark:

You need to be the healthiest for IVF to work without interference. Eating properly, proper exercise along with adequate nutrition will produce maximum results for IVF. This is the time to get a little selfish and take good care of you mentally and physically. Contact a certified professional for thorough guidance during your IVF journey. With us you can have your individual nutrition plan drawn up. Visit our advice page.

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