Indian Diet Plan for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ( NAFLD & NASH Diet Chart )

I don't even drink alcohol … how on earth is that possible? This is the first thing that comes to mind when we test positive for fatty liver disease. However, alcohol consumption alone does not cause fatty liver disease. It only worsens the fatty liver that has already developed. Let's take a look at what a NAFLD and NASH diet card looks like. Indian diet plan for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The Process of Fatty Liver; How is fat stored in the liver?

The liver is an organ that performs several important functions for good health. It helps break down and process food, purify blood, build proteins, remove toxins, balance hormones, and store energy.

Fat deposition begins when the body's production of fat increases and the liver does not metabolize the fat efficiently. When the extra sugar is deposited in the circulation in the liver, it is also converted into fats. This can lead to fat build-up in the liver.

What is Alcohol-Free Fatty Liver / NAFLD?

The non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is also known as "liver steatosis". It is caused by metabolic dysfunction of the liver. A layer of fat forms in and around the liver. It can develop due to excessive sugar consumption, insulin resistance, obesity, or genetics.

Prolonged non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can cause diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

Symptoms of NAFLD:

  • Heaviness on the right top of the abdomen along with swelling.
  • Reddish palms.
  • General tiredness.
  • Yellowish eyes and skin.
  • Abnormal liver enzymes.

Causes of NAFLD?

  • Obesity: Obesity causes inflammation in the liver and body. This inflammation leads to the build-up of fat layers around the liver. However, if body weight is not decreased, this deposition will worsen, resulting in NAFLD.
  • Insulin resistance: Pre-diabetics have insulin resistance. Therefore, an increase in circulating sugar in the blood leads to an increase in fat deposition in the liver.
  • Junk food: Junk-like processed foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and carbonated beverages all lead to high levels of fat in the body. This can worsen if the person is heavy or has high insulin resistance.
  • genetics: Few people have genes that are susceptible to fatty liver disease.

Treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease:

  • Appropriate exercise: Considerable cardio training helps with fat loss and weight loss. This will help reduce the fatty liver.
  • Improving insulin sensitivity: Improved insulin sensitivity helps reduce fat deposits on liver cells. It also helps in reducing circulating sugar and aids in weight loss.

Indian Diet Plan for Alcohol-Free Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD & NASH Diet Chart)

Here is the Indian Diet Plan for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD & NASH Diet Chart).

Food list for fatty liver:

Whole grains, green vegetables, whole fruits, and sprouts are high in fiber. High levels of fiber help in weight loss and also reduce fat deposition in the liver. These include millet, multigrain flour, quinoa and broken wheat.

Methi is high in soluble fiber, which reduces fat absorption and fat deposition. It also helps in weight loss. Soaked seeds reduce the absorption of fat from the intestines and remove excess circulating fats. Read about the benefits of methi seeds.

Fish, olive oil, avocados, almonds, walnuts and flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body. It also improves liver function. It helps break down and utilize accumulated fats. It also helps in reducing the liver that has already been damaged.

Avocados are high in healthy fats. They have significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. It helps in slowing down liver damage. The low glycemic index and high fiber help in weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity.

These seeds are rich in antioxidants and vitamin E. These help reduce inflammation in the body and improve liver function.

Grapefruits are rich in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants. It helps improve liver functions along with weight loss. It helps the already damaged liver to improve cell function and health. The fiber also helps in weight loss, which reduces fat deposition.

Oats are high in soluble fiber called beta-glucan. It will help you stay full longer and avoid overeating. It not only helps in weight loss but also in reducing fat absorption and deposition.

Ayurveda or ancient science has always emphasized the use of garlic for its cholesterol lowering properties. The enzymes in garlic flush all of the toxins out of the liver along with the fat. Aside from its antioxidant property, it also helps in improving liver function.

The phytoestrogen in soy products helps reduce fat absorption and fat deposition in the liver. It also reduces damage to the liver caused by inflammation.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Studies have shown that it helps in weight loss as well as flushing out toxins from the liver.

Indian Diet Plan for Alcohol-Free Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD & NASH Diet Chart)

Here is the Indian Diet Plan for Alcohol Free Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD & NASH Diet Chart)

Early morning:

1 teaspoon of soaked methi seeds with 1 cup of warm water + 2 garlic pods


Vegetable oats approx. 5 pieces + green chutney


Oat and soy milk avocado smoothie

OR 1 bowl of potato poha


1 cup of green tea + 2 walnut halves + 2 almonds

OR 1 fruit (grapefruit, kiwi, avacado, pear, papaya, apple, tomato, etc.)

OR 1-2 scoops of whey protein shake (recommended by doctor in most cases)

Having lunch:

1 cup of lettuce + bajra roti + 1 cup of green vegetables + 1 cup of dal or sprouts + 1 glass of buttermilk


1 cup salad + Daliya pulav + 50g fried tofu with broccoli / cauliflower on the side


1 cup salad + 2 phulka + pumpkin ki sabji + soybean ki curry


1 cup of turmeric + 1 khakra


1 small Moong Dal Chilla


2 boiled egg whites


1 cup of vegetable soup + 1 cup of vegetables Dal Khichdi + 1 cup of cottage cheese


Salad + 1 multigrain roti + 1 cup of green leafy vegetables / bottle gourd + 1 glass of buttermilk


Chew 1 garlic pod together with warm water and lemon


Detecting fatty liver early helps treat the condition very simply. The basic step in reversing NAFDL is to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, weight loss, regular exercise, and avoidance of alcohol can all reduce the risk of NAFLD. Hope this Indian Alcohol Free Fatty Liver Disease Diet Plan (NAFLD & NASH Diet Chart) will help you achieve your goals. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel or contact us at for a personalized diet plan to cure your health problem.

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