Indian Diet Plan for Sinusitis ( What to Eat in Sinus Problem?)

In the past few months, people get scared even when a person just sneezes or coughs. There is only 1 question in mind… is this person suffering from covid? But have you ever thought even before covid, people used to suffer from cough and cold? Then what kind of cough and cold was that? Not all sneezing and coughing are covid. It can be also because of sinusitis. read on to know about the Indian Diet Plan for Sinusitis. What to Eat in Sinus Problem?


The allergen causes inflammation and blockage of the nasal passage. The allergen creates a favorable condition for bacteria to flourish and make the person unwell. The first defense mechanism of the body is to expel the allergen. That is how the person sneezes or coughs.

What are sinuses?

Sinuses are sac-like air-filled cavities located on either side of the nose. The sacs may sometimes get clogged or get infected.

Symptoms of sinusitis:

  • Stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Congestion and chest pain
  • Snoring or difficulty in breathing
  • Fever
  • Meningitis
  • Loss of smell
  • Fatigue

It takes at least 10 days for acute sinusitis and 3 to 4 weeks for chronic sinusitis to get well.

How to treat sinusitis?

  • Rest: Give time to your body to heal. You need to rest for a speedy recovery and fight infection.
  • Replenish fluids: Consume plenty of fluids. Drink water, infused water, green tea, spice concoctions, or soups to balance the salt and fluid in the body.
  • Warm compress: Either use a hot water bag or heat the towel on Tawa and use it on the forehead, nose, and chest region. A warm compress helps relieve the pressure over the sinuses.
  • Steam: You can also take steam that will help reduce sinusitis. It will moisten the nasal passage and sinuses.
  • Jal neti: This is an ancient practice where you use warm water with salt to rinse your nasal passage. This clears the particles that cause inflammation in the sinuses. Research.
  • Sinusitis friendly foods: There are certain foods that you eat and the lifestyle that we lead impacts our health. A balanced diet helps in reducing inflammation and boosting immunity. Certain foods directly impact your nasal passage. It can help reduce sinusitis or it might worsen it.
  • Best foods for cold and cough
  • Indian diet plan and tips on treating common cold and cough

Indian Diet Plan for Sinusitis

Let us see which foods help relieve and worsen sinusitis.

Best Foods for sinusitis Infection Relief (What to Eat in Sinus Problem)

  • Fluids: Fluids help to flush out the excess mucous and other allergens from the system. It keeps the nasal passage moist and prevents congestion. Consume ample amounts of water, infused water, green teas, soups, or fresh fruit juices.
  • Antioxidant-rich foods: Antioxidants help in reducing the inflammation caused due to infection. It helps boost immunity and reduces the free radicals in the body. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices, and green tea.
  • Vit C-rich foods: Vit C helps boost immunity. It helps the regeneration of healthy tissue. It reduces the histamines and reduces allergy. Consume citrus fruits, berries, dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes sprouts, and broccoli.
  • Vit E-rich foods: Vit E reduces inflammation and prevents fever. Include nuts, seeds, avocado, fish, and olive oil.
  • Omega 3 rich foods: Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties. It relieves swelling and congestion. Consume olive oil, flaxseeds, fatty fish, nuts, avocado, and seeds.
    • Turmeric: The curcumin in turmeric has antioxidant properties that relieve congestion as well as reduce swelling. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to loosen the mucus and keep the nasal passage inflammation-free. Mix turmeric in warm water or milk and have it twice a day in addition to turmeric used in Indian cooking. You can also make a turmeric concoction in water or mix with honey and have it before bed.
    • Cinnamon: Cinnamon powder does not only helps in relieving congestion but also has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Make a cinnamon concoction and consume it twice a day. Cinnamon powder paste applied on the forehead and nose also helps to reduce congestion.
    • Ginger: Dry ginger powder and turmeric concoction help in relieving congestion. It helps in reducing the swelling of the sinuses. You can also apply the dry ginger powder mixture on the forehead and nose to relieve the congestion. Fresh ginger juice mixed with honey also helps reduce sinusitis.

Foods to Avoid in Sinusitis:

  • Refined carbohydrates: Refined carbohydrates lead to the accumulation of mucus in the nasal passage and worsen the congestion. Hence, it is best to avoid refined flour, refined sugar, starchy vegetables, and fruits.
  • High-fat foods: Excess fat in the diet does not only leads to congestion but also worsens mucus collection. It aggravates the inflammation in the body. Avoid fried, creamy, junk, desserts, as well as high-calorie foods.
  • Cold foods: Cold foods increase mucus production and congestion. Avoid ice, chilled beverages, ice cream, chilled milk, and similar products.
  • Alcohol and caffeine: Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate the body. It makes mucus more stubborn to get rid of. It not only increases the free radicals in the body but also promotes inflammation.

Indian Diet Plan for Sinusitis Infection

Here is a 1-day sample of the Indian Diet Plan for Sinusitis.

Early morning: 1 cup hot Ginger lemon tea or 1 cup warm water with 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

Breakfast: 1 cup Turmeric latte/ milk with honey + 1 cup Vegetable Poha or 1 medium-sized omelet

Mid-morning: 1 Citrus Fruit (100 – 150 gms – Orange, Mosambi, Strawberry, Kiwi, Pineapple, Pear) or 15 – 20 gms soaked nuts (almonds, walnuts, dates, prunes)

Lunch: 1 cup salad + 1 medium size Bajra Roti + 1 cup Baigan Bharta + ½ cup Brown Rice + 1 cup Dal + 1 cup Curd (room temperature) with 1 teaspoon flaxseed powder

Snack: 1 cup Herbal Milk (milk, pudina, ginger, lemongrass, fresh turmeric, honey) + 2 small size khakra

Dinner: 1 cup Mushroom broccoli soup or Chicken soup+ 1 cup Vegetable Pulao + 1 cup Stir fry Veggies + 2 (2-inch pieces) Grilled Paneer tikka

Bed Time: 1 cup green tea or cinnamon concoction


Not all illnesses need medicines. Sinusitis is one such illness. Mild sinusitis can be taken care of with home remedies that will help relieve congestion and reduce inflammation. With severe symptoms, it is always advisable to consult a medical professional. hope our Indian Diet Plan for Sinusitis infection helps you get better soon.

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