IWB 1 Month 4 Kgs Weight Loss : Diet Plan Day 10 Day 11

When you think about why I put such flat abs n perfect girl figure pictures in every post, the reason is simple. Today I google the most suitable picture, tomorrow I will put mine! I am motivated to restore my fitness and health. Are you?

Let's jump IWB 1 month 4 kg weight loss: diet plan day 10 day 11 before I fall flat on my lappieeee!

Wednesday / day 10 Thursday / day 11
7:30 AM Green tea + 10 almonds after 15 minutes of tea Half a lemon in 1 glass of lukewarm water + 4 figs + 2 plums
8:30 AM 3 egg whites 3 egg whites
8:30 AM Raagi Dosa with Chutney / Sambar 2 idlis + sambhar
9:30 AM Tea / coffee without sugar Tea / coffee without sugar
11:30 AM orange Papaya (3-4 slices)
1:00 PM 1 plate of salad + 1 wheat chapatti + 1 bowl of mix vegetables + 1 bowl of daal + 1 cup of cottage cheese 1 plate of sprouts + 1 cup of cooked rice + 1 bowl of chole + 1 cup of cottage cheese
4 p.m. Tea / coffee without sugar with 2 Marie / each smoothie without sugar Tea / coffee without sugar with 2 Marie / each smoothie without sugar
6:00 p.m. Moong Daal Salad (cooked moong with onion and tomato) Fruit chaat / platter
8:00 pm 1 plate of green salad 1 plate of green salad
8:30 p.m. Half cup of brown rice + 1 cup of vegetables + 1 cup of cottage cheese Half cup of brown rice + 1 cup of vegetables + 1 cup of cottage cheese
10:00 PM IF hungry, 1 cup of warm skimmed milk without sugar IF hungry, 1 cup of skimmed milk yogurt

IWB 1 month 4 kg weight loss: diet plan day 10 day 11

Ladies who do not go to the gym, please go for a walk! Otherwise, just turn on the TV and dance like no one is watching. Read what we have to say about dancing here.

Non-vegetarians, don't hesitate to enjoy your dishes at night with 0/1 roti or little rice, preferably brown rice. As long as it's lean meat, bingo! Recipes are here!

I am trying to dispel any concerns. However, if you run into trouble, please shout out loud! I am pretty forgetful as you can see! n also sleepy 🙁

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Previous articleIWB 1 month 4 kg weight loss: training plan week 2 part 1

A girl next door who ignored her health for studies is now seeking a healthy life in a leaner body and sharing her journey online.

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