Keep away from These 7 Errors at Dinner

Whether you want to lose weight or just lead an active and healthy lifestyle – are healthy meals an important part of the to plan. Keep in mindThere are many mistakes you can make for dinner::

Avoid These 7 Healthy Dinner Mistakes:


When you are exhausted, choosing a good diet at the end of the day can be difficult. Organize a meal plan over the weekend or on a day when you have a little extra time so that meal preparation goes smoothly during the week. If you already know what you are going to prepare and some of the Meals are prepared in advanceIt is much less likely that you will opt for fast food or processed foods.

The solution: Remember to allow yourself some time each day to prepare meals; H. Preparing your meal at 8 p.m. is not the same as sitting down and eating at 8 p.m.


Did you know that consuming large amounts of sugar can negatively affect sleep quality?(1) When you ingest a large load of sugar, your blood sugar will rise and fall during the night, causing you to wake up frequently. Even if you fail to wake up, this can drag you out of deep sleep and make you tired the next day.

The solution: If you have one Sweet toothyou can satisfy it with a little after-meal treat like a square of dark chocolate. Once you get into the habit of skipping large desserts, it'll only take something small satisfy the craving for something sweet.

3. Make dinner the biggest meal of the day

When you are trying to lose weightit can be beneficial to eat your larger meals earlier in the day. Having your larger meal at lunch will make it easier for you to lose weight – even if the amount of food is the same.(2) Plus, Eating earlier in the day can cause hormonal changes that make you feel full longer, which reduces the risk of overeating.(3)

The solution: Reduce the size of your healthy Dinner and add some extra calories to your breakfast and lunch.

Woman eating a salad


You may find that you fall asleep easier after a few drinks, but alcohol will interfere with your entire night's sleep. The alcohol in your system disrupts the natural flow through the various phases of sleep.(4) Towards morning this often leads to an easier and more restless sleep, so that you feel tired the next day.

The solution: Make sure to keep the amount you drink at a level where you don't feel restless and wake up frequently at night.


Caffeine stimulates your body's central nervous system, increasing alertness and reducing fatigue. It also blocks the effectiveness of adenosine, a chemical that makes you sleepy and regulates your sleep-wake cycles.(5)

The solution: The reactions to caffeine are very individual. If you find that you are a slow metabolizer of caffeine, it is best to skip the caffeine at dinner. If you're craving a warm drink for dinner, opt for herbal teas or decaffeinated coffee.

Eating cookies in front of the computer

6. Eating in front of the television or computer

Having dinner while watching TV or browsing the internet can lead to pointless eating. If you don't pay attention to what you are consuming, you are less likely to feel full. People Those who eat while distracted are less aware of how much they ate during that time, which leads to overeating.(6)

The solution: Try to eat healthy meals without electronics and make an effort to pay attention to the specifics of your food, such as: B. the colors, textures and flavors of your food.

7. Eating too soon before bed

Last but not least, a late evening meal can lead to high blood sugar levels that your body cannot handle when it senses you should sleep. This can lead to fat build-up over time,(7) Insulin resistance, weight gain and metabolic disorders.(8th) Also, it takes a few hours for your stomach to empty after a meal (and generally slows down as you age). Hence, eating late is a common cause of acid reflux.(9)

The solution: Plan your last meal of the day within 3 hours of bedtime. Organizing a meal plan in advance can ensure that you don't eat late at night.


Whether you want to lose weight or just want to live a healthier lifestyle, a healthy dinner is the perfect way to end your day. Try our tips and you will soon see – you will feel better in your body and sleep better too!


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