Keto Eating regimen/ Paleo Eating regimen: Hen Breast Recipe With A Twist


We're back with another non-veg recipe that follows the Paleo or Kito diet. Chicken breasts are the healthiest part of chicken, although I picked it because it's the fastest to cook. I like straightforward cooking, as you can see.


1 kg chicken breast (I used 2 packets of Godrej chicken breast)
Lime: 2nos
Onions: 2 medium-sized julienned
Salt to taste
Black pepper
Oregano flakes
Garlic: 1 full bundle or 20 pods
Olive oil: 2 tbsp
Butter: 2 tbsp
Tomato: 1no


Keto Diet / Paleo Diet: Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist:– –

1. First preheat your oven to 200 degrees for 15 minutes

2. Take a coated pan and add the butter. Once it melts and heats up a bit, add the olive oil so it doesn't burn.

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3. Insert the garlic pods. You can roughly mash them with or without the skin of your choice. Also add 3 to 4 slices of lime.

3. Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist + Paleo Diet + Kito det-001 "width =" 468 "height =" 480 "srcset =" . -Chicken-breast-recipe-with-a-twist + -Paleo-Diet + -kito-det-001.jpg 468w, -Chicken -breast-recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo-diet + -kito-det-001-292x300.jpg 292w "sizes =" (maximum width: 468px) 100vw, 468px

4. Once this is warmed up, add the chicken breast.

4. Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist + Kito Diet + Paleo Diet-001 "width =" 480 "height =" 360 "srcset =" 4.-Chicken breast-recipe-with-a-twist + Kito-Diet + -Paleo-Diet-001.jpg 480w, Chicken breast-recipe-with-a-twist + Kito-Diet + Paleo-Diet-001-300x225.jpg 300w "Sizes =" (maximum width: 480px) 100vw, 480px

5. Leave the chicken on a high flame and do not turn it. The goal is to cook one side of the chicken so well that it sticks to the bottom of the pan. Add salt to taste along with the oregano flakes.

5. Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist + Paleo Diet + Diet Food-001 "width =" 454 "height =" 480 "srcset =" Chicken breast recipe with a twist + paleo diet + diet food 001.jpg 454w, Chicken breast- Recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo-diet + diet-food-001-283x300.jpg 283w "sizes =" (maximum width: 454px) 100vw, 454px

6. In the meantime, take a baking sheet and line it with aluminum foil. I used a non-stick oven pan and just smeared a little olive oil on it.
7. Take the chicken out of the pan in about 7 minutes and place it on the baking sheet. Note that the chicken needs to be placed with the partially cooked part facing down. Your oven would be almost ready now.

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8. Using the nonstick spoon, scrape off the chicken pieces in the pan itself and keep them on a low flame. You can also add chicken broth or cooking wine to this sauce if you want more sauce. I wanted a drier dish so I didn't use anything.

7. Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist + Paleo Diet + Chicken Breast Recipe-001 "width =" 480 "height =" 419 "srcset =" 7. - Chicken breast recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo diet + chicken breast recipe-001.jpg 480w, 7.-Chicken breast- Recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo-diet + chicken breast-recipe-001-300x261.jpg 300w "sizes =" (maximum width: 480px) 100vw, 480px

9. Add the julienned onions and halved tomato. The tomato should only be kept on its flat surface. Cook over a medium flame for 5 minutes until the onions are a little brown. Then release the gas and pour everything over the chicken breast on the baking sheet.

8. Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist + Paleo Diet-001 "width =" 480 "height =" 360 "srcset =" -breast-recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo-diet-001.jpg 480w, - a-twist + -paleo-diet-001-300x225.jpg 300w "sizes =" (maximum width: 480px) 100vw, 480px

10. Add more lime wedges and put the tray in the oven for 15 minutes.

10. Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist + Paleo Diet + Easy Chicken Recipes-001 "width =" 480 "height =" 360 "srcset =" .-Chicken-breast-recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo-diet + -simple-chicken-recipes-001.jpg 480w, .-Chicken-breast-recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo-diet + -simple-chicken-recipes-001-300x225.jpg 300w "sizes =" (maximum width: 480px) 100vw, 480px

9. Chicken breast recipe with a twist + Kito diet-001 "width =" 464 "height =" 480 "srcset =" -breast recipe-with-a-twist + -kito-diet-001.jpg 464w, - a-twist + -kito-diet-001-290x300.jpg 290w "sizes =" (maximum width: 464px) 100vw, 464px

11. After 15 minutes, check that it is cooked. If not, cook for another 5 minutes.
12. Take out the tray and you are done! You can choose whether you want to serve it exactly as it is sprinkled in a plate form with coriander over it, or whether you want to serve it in plates.

11. Chicken Breast Recipe with a Twist + Paleo Diet-001 "width =" 480 "height =" 454 "srcset =" -breast-recipe-with-a-twist + -paleo-diet-001.jpg 480w, - a-twist + -paleo-diet-001-300x283.jpg 300w "sizes =" (maximum width: 480px) 100vw, 480px

Tips: Pat dry the chicken breast after washing so that it has less moisture and cooks faster. If not, it will take longer as the water first evaporates and then the cooking process begins.

Hope you enjoyed this recipe! Let me know if you know of any other chicken breast recipes. I would like to try them out.

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